Analizorul NFT Zash colaborează cu Binance pentru a construi produse de date NFT

Zash, a firm tracking on-chain and social non-fungible token (NFT) data for enterprise use, announced Tuesday that it has partnered with the crypto exchange giant Binance.  

Through their partnership, Binance and Zash will develop a product suite of NFT data tracking and intelligence tools for NFT firms. Binance will then help Zash test and launch the product offering, Zash CEO and co-founder Parit Patel said in a release.   

While NFT projects with scrappy artistic visions have become successful, such as Creature World NFTs, Zash’s partnership with Binance suggests that we may see an uptick of NFT projects designed in the same way as data-backed businesses.

Zash tracks NFT data, and packages it in a more user-friendly way, positing itself as the NFT intelligence firm that can help project founders have a more successful NFT launch. For instance, the firm gathers key points of NFT data such as buyer, sellers, twitter count and discord followers, and packages it into an indexable API. It also tracks flippers, retweeters, holders and other key members in an NFT community.

“Zash is very close to the customer whilst highlighting what the NFT community needs and evolving their offering to drive insights discovery quickly and effectively,” Demis Bhojoo, data analytics manager for marketing and product at Binance, said in a statement.

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Despre autor

MK Manoylov este un reporter pentru The Block care acoperă NFT, jocurile bazate pe blockchain și criminalitatea cibernetică. MK deține o diplomă de absolvire a programului de raportare pentru știință, sănătate și mediu (SHERP) al Universității din New York.
