Vitalik vrea să ardă Ethereum-ul mizat al validatorilor care respectă sancțiunile

Într-un sondaj recent pe Twitter privind cenzura Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin revealed that he voted to punish validators complying with censorship requests by burning their staked tokens.

Ethereum co-founder champions censorship-resistant approach

The poll was held by software engineer Eric Wall, care a întrebat comunitatea Ethereum dacă ar arde jetoanele mizate ale validatorilor care se conformează cererilor de cenzură sau „tolerează cenzura” și nu fac nimic.

Majoritatea alegătorilor — 62%, inclusiv Buterin — au optat pentru prima. Între timp, 9% au votat pentru a tolera cenzura, iar 29% au dat clic pe arată rezultatele. Până la momentul presării, au mai rămas câteva ore până la închiderea sondajului.

Sondajul lui Wall a fost un răspuns la un tweet de la Lefteris Karapetsas, fondatorul Rotkiap, un instrument de urmărire a portofoliului axat pe confidențialitate, care a întrebat cinci validatori semnificativi ai Proof-of-Stake dacă vor respecta cererile de cenzură sau vor răspunde solicitării închizând serviciul de staking.

Karapetsas’s post a fost inspirat de @TheEylon, who revealed that the five validators called out by Karapetsas, which represent a combined stake of 66% of the Beacon Chain, would likely action censorship requests from authorities.

Tornado Cash Coin Center

The tweet storm was a response to unfolding events at crypto mixer Tornado Cash, which the U.S. Treasury sanctioned on august 8.

Treasury officials said the protocol was responsible for laundering $ 7 de miliarde de of illicit crypto funds since 2019 and had failed to implement appropriate checks and measures to counter the problem.

The company announced its closure on august 13, saying it “can’t fight the U.S.” Moreover, software engineer Aleksey Pertsev was arrested in Amsterdam for his role in developing the Tornado Cash protocol.

Events at Tornado cash have reignited discussion over censorship, especially as several crypto service providers have complied with sanction mandates.

emitent USDC Cerc has blacklisted all Ethereum addresses owned by the mixer protocol. And as a consequence of pranksters sending 0.1 ETH from blacklisted Tornado Cash addresses to prominent figures, Tron founder Justin Sun said Aave had blocked his wallet.

Organizație non profit Centrul de monede said they are preparing a legal challenge against the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) on the grounds it had “overstepped its legal authority.”

“we believe that OFAC has overstepped its legal authority by adding certain Tornado Cash smart contract addresses to the SDN List, that this action potentially violates constitutional rights to due process and free speech.”

Coin Center argues that Tornado Cash is autonomous code and does not fit the criteria of being a sanctionable “person.”
