Ether Capital Corporation alocă o sumă suplimentară de 18 milioane USD pentru miza Ethereum și anunță modificări la echipa sa tehnică

TORONTO– (BUSINESS WIRE) -$ETHC–Ether Capital Corporation (“Ether Capital” or “the Company”) (NEO: ETHC) is pleased to announce it has committed 8,000 Ether (C$18.1 million equivalent) to Ethereum Staking, which is in addition to the 7,488 Ether the Company Staked in January 2023. In total, Ether Capital has Staked 36,000 Ether (C$81.4 million equivalent), representing 79.4 per cent of its portfolio.

Staking Ether is a core part of the Company’s three-pronged strategy: To continue being a net accumulator of Ether, Stake the majority of the Company’s Ether balance to generate yield (Staking Rewards), and use a portion of the revenue generated from Staking to build institutional-grade infrastructure that supports the Ethereum ecosystem.

“We view Staking as the most reliable way to generate yield in the space and create additional value for our shareholders,” said Brian Mosoff, CEO of Ether Capital. “When individuals or companies Stake ETH, they are making a commitment to help secure the network and validate future transactions that take place on Ethereum. This is a protocol we believe will one day act as a primary settlement layer for the global economy and support trillions of dollars of activity. Our goal has always been to stake as much Ether as possible and put our weight behind Ethereum as the number one platform of choice for user and developer activity.”

Ether Capital will continue to monitor developer progress when it comes to Ethereum upgrades and will update the market if it decides to stake more of its Ether balance.

The Company is also pleased to announce that Brett Bergmann will be advising the Management Team on technical strategy and execution over the coming months. Mr. Bergmann has several years of experience in the crypto industry and was part of the initial team that designed the Company’s multi-signature wallet in 2018. Shayan Eskandari will be stepping down from the role of Chief Technical Officer as of March 7, 2023. Mr. Eskandari joined Ether Capital in fall 2021 to assist with developing technical infrastructure that allowed the Company to build out its operating businesses. Since that time, Ether Capital has expanded technical resources, become one of the first public companies in the world to stake Ether and will continue developing in-house products to further bolster the Ethereum ecosystem. Mr. Eskandari is planning to return to academia and focus on his PhD. The Company thanks him for his contributions and wishes him well on his next chapter.

Despre Ether Capital Corporation

​​Ether Capital (NEO: ETHC) este o companie publică de tehnologie cu obiectivul pe termen lung de a deveni un centru central de afaceri și investiții pentru ecosistemul Ethereum. Compania a investit cea mai mare parte a bilanțului său în simbolul de utilitate nativ Ethereum „Ether” ca activ strategic de bază și instrument generator de randament. Compania se concentrează pe infrastructura financiară care susține blockchain-ul Ethereum și oferă valoare corporativă. Echipa de management și Consiliul de Administrație al Ether Capital sunt formate din criptonativi, lideri în capital de risc și experți tradiționali în finanțe, ceea ce poziționează compania în mod unic pentru a identifica și valorifica oportunitățile din ecosistemul activelor digitale. Pentru mai multe informații, vizitați

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Brian Mosoff

Chief Executive Officer

[e-mail protejat]

Ian McPherson

Președinte și director financiar

[e-mail protejat]

Ashley Stanhope

Director de comunicatii

[e-mail protejat]
