Gigantul spaniol de telecomunicații Telefonica permite plățile cripto prin Bit2Me: CoinDesk

Telefonica, the $19 billion Spanish telecom giant, is allowing the use of cryptocurrency for purchases on its marketplace.

The cryptocurrency payment integration for comes as the result from a partnership between Telefonica and Spanish cryptocurrency exchange Bit2Me, CoinDesk raportate. Telefonica also invested an undisclosed amount in the exchange.

This isn’t Telefonica’s first venture into the blockchain space. The company deschis an NFT marketplace and earlier this week a anunțat a deal with Qualcomm Technologies to develop an augmented reality driven platform, SnapDragon Spaces. In 2019, Telefonica held a proces for a blockchain-backed marketplace for users to sell private data.

Bit2Me is Spain’s largest cryptocurrency exchange with an average daily volume of 6,453 BTC, or nearly $126 million at current pricing, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

Telefonica and Bit2Me did not immediately respond to The Block’s request for comment.

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Despre autor

Jeremy Nation este reporter senior la The Block, care acoperă ecosistemul blockchain. Înainte de a se alătura The Block, Jeremy a lucrat ca specialist în conținut de produs la Bullish și De asemenea, a lucrat ca reporter pentru ETHNews. Urmărește-l pe Twitter @ETH_Nation.
