Meme Coin DEGEN se ridică vertiginos după listarea majoră la schimb: motivele cheie descoperite

Meme Coin DEGEN se ridică vertiginos după listarea majoră la schimb: motivele cheie descoperite
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The cryptocurrency market witnessed a surge today as DEGEN, a token inspired by a renowned meme within the crypto community, soared by an impressive 42%. The catalyst behind this surge was the listing of DEGEN on Bybit, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges. According to reports from the exchange, the token is now available for trading on the spot market paired with USDT.

What sets DEGEN apart is its integration into decentralized network Farcaster, often hailed as the crypto analogue to Twitter. Originally conceived as a reward token for participants in the Farcaster Degen channel, the token has rapidly evolved from a mere meme coin to a formidable asset. Its growing community includes developers, crypto content creators and enthusiasts who have embraced the coin’s potential.

DEGEN to USD by CoinMarketCap

Vitalik Buterin’s influence

Notably, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin has expressed optimism about Farcaster’s future, foreseeing it as a significant player in the realm of decentralized social networks. Buterin’s endorsement has further propelled DEGEN into the spotlight, prompting increased attention from crypto enthusiasts.

DEGEN is currently trading at $0.02 per token, boasting a market capitalization of over $200 million. While this figure may seem substantial, the true extent of the token’s potential remains uncertain.

Some may argue that its trajectory mostly hinges on the success of Farcaster and decentralized social networks as a whole. However, DEGEN’s appeal as a cryptocurrency meme also lies in its accessibility to newcomers entering the world of digital assets, thanks to its iconic status within crypto lore, alongside terms like “WAGMI” and “HODL.”
