Seoul Labs încheie cu succes conferința Blockchain la Bangkok și inițiază extinderea în străinătate

The ‘Beyond Blockchain Experience in Bangkok 2024’ event, organized by Seoul Labs, concluded successfully in Bangkok, Thailand on the 26th of March. During the event, a joint venture between the South Korean web3 infrastructure company Seoul Labs and the local Thai company PSD, named FOB Lab, was announced.

Held in Bangkok on March 26th, this event, titled ‘Beyond Blockchain Experience,’ featured various programs under the theme ‘The Future of Blockchain.’ The conference attracted thousands of attendees, indicating a strong local interest in the Web3 industry.

The year 2024 is anticipated to witness significant developments such as the approval of Bitcoin spot ETFs in  international capital markets, the convergence of blockchain with traditional financial systems, the Bitcoin halving, and the resurgence of DeFi, making it a pivotal year for technological innovation. Discussions at the conference revolved around how blockchain’s future will unfold in line with these trends.

Additionally, the establishment of FOB Lab, a joint venture with a local entity, was announced. This decision aligns with Seoul Labs’ strategic objective of expanding into the ASEAN market. Through this new entity, Seoul Labs aims to provide innovative blockchain-based solutions for data protection and security in the Thai market.

A representative from FOB Lab, who organized the event, stated, “Thailand holds a strategic position within the ASEAN region and boasts advanced IT capabilities. Leveraging Thailand’s dynamic market and open culture, we are committed to charting new horizons for blockchain technology. Despite recognizing that blockchain technology is still in its early stages, we are prepared to lead the transformation in the Thai and ASEAN markets through innovative approaches.”

FOB Lab and Seoul Labs plan to expand into other Asian countries following their entry into Thailand, focusing particularly on industries experiencing rapid growth such as companies and countries preparing for digital transformation, as well as high-growth sectors like esports.

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