BlackRock va spori punctele de acces Crypto prin parteneriat cu Coinbase

BlackRock, the globe’s largest asset manager, has colaborați with crypto exchange Coinbase to provide institutional investors with new crypto access points.

Through the strategic partnership, BlackRock’s Aladdin will be connected with Coinbase Prime to provide institutional investors with direct and seamless access to crypto, beginning with Bitcoin (BTC).

Joseph Chalom, the global head of strategic ecosystem partnerships at BlackRock, pointed out:

„Clienții noștri instituționali sunt din ce în ce mai interesați să obțină expunere pe piețele activelor digitale și se concentrează pe modul de a gestiona eficient ciclul de viață operațional al acestor active.”

With assets under management pontaj $10 trillion by the end of last year, BlackRock  has emerged as a significant global player to the extent that it has been dubbed the “a patra ramură a guvernului. "

Therefore, Aladdin, the end-to-end investment management platform of BlackRock, seeks to boost crypto adoption among institutional investors. Chalom added:

„Această conexiune cu Aladdin le va permite clienților să-și gestioneze expunerile la bitcoin direct în fluxurile de lucru existente de gestionare a portofoliului și de tranzacționare, pentru o vizualizare a întregului portofoliu a riscului pe toate clasele de active.”

Coinbase prime is the institutional prime broker arm of crypto exchange Coinbase, and it integrates prime financing, advanced agency trading, staking infrastructure, and reporting needed for the entire transaction lifecycle. Supporting more than 13,000 institutional clients, Coinbase Prime will render crypto trading, prime brokerage, reporting capabilities, and custody through the deal. 

As institutional crypto adoption continues to tick, the BlackRock-Coinbase partnership seeks to be a stepping stone toward developing new access points. 

A recent study by the leading investment bank Goldman Sachs showed that 51% of its institutional clients had crypto exposure.

The findings revealed that institutional interest in cryptocurrencies was witnessing strong growth because crypto exposure rose from 40% in 2021 to 51% in 2022, Blockchain.Noutăți raportate.

Sursa imaginii: Shutterstock
