USDC se va integra cu rețelele sociale descentralizate pentru a aduce web 3.0 în masă

3 octombrie 2022 – Los Angeles, California

A USDC integration with DeSo a new blockchain that has raised $200 million from Coinbase, Sequoia and Andreessen Horowitz is launching next week.

The integration gives DeSo a financial bridge to millions of Ethereum users and DApps, giving them one-click access to end-to-end encrypted on-chain messaging and a full ‘Twitter-like’ feature set. The integration paves the way for DeSo to become a cross-chain social layer for all of Web 3.0.

Today, social media is controlled by a handful of private corporations but that could soon change as blockchains like DeSo începe să integrezi milioane de utilizatori Ethereum din aplicațiile DeFi în aplicațiile sociale.

As one of the industry’s first illustrations of this, a USDC integration with the DeSo blockchain, backed by Coinbase, Sequoia, Andreessen Horowitz and others, effectively gives any Ethereum user access to a full-fledged decentralized social network.

The integration will allow millions of existing MetaMask and Ethereum users to onboard onto decentralized social apps with USDC and message one another using gas-less, end-to-end encrypted on-chain messages powered by DeSo.

Dar asta nu este tot these Ethereum users also gain access to gas-less profile creation, gas-less posting, gas-less following of other users with a fully-decentralized on-chain follow graph and much more.

The onboarding process is simple. Users can deposit USDC from MetaMask onto DeSo apps and receive a DeSo-native stablecoin called DesoDollar. Once onboarded with USDC, all stablecoin transactions become virtually gas-less, costing less than one ten-thousandth of a cent.

This financial bridge from Ethereum to DeSo will also allow developers to build Web 3.0 social apps for the first time.

Nader Al-Naji, fondatorul DeSo, a spus:

“Existing blockchains cannot store content efficiently. It costs about $50 to store a 200-character Tweet on Ethereum, and about 15 cents to store it on Solana, Avalanche or Polygon. In contrast, DeSo is one ten-thousandth of a cent, making it the first blockchain capable of disrupting storage-heavy applications like social.”

Although DeSo currently only supports USDC via Ethereum, DeSo also plans to integrate with other stablecoin ecosystems like Solana in the future as well.

Al-Naji a adăugat,

“It’s not our goal to be tied to a single chain. DeSo is a cross-chain solution that allows people to connect with each other no matter what ecosystem they’re a part of. DeSo is the unified social layer for all of Web 3.0.”

Acesta este cel mai recent dintr-un șir recent de succese pentru DeSo. Platforma listată pe Coinbase la începutul acestui an, a anunțat o integrare revoluționară MetaMask săptămâna trecută care a provocat o creștere semnificativă a prețurilorși multe aplicații sociale noi, cum ar fi Diamant, a Web 3.0 social network built on DeSo, have launched and are growing rapidly with a recent creșterea numărului de utilizatori.

In a world where many are dissatisfied with traditional social media, USDC and DeSo offer a decentralized solution that can finally compete with Web 2.0 juggernauts.

Al-Naji a spus:

„DeSo este primul și singurul blockchain care permite dezvoltatorilor să creeze aplicații sociale în care nici măcar nu poți spune că ești într-un blockchain. Asta înseamnă că, pentru prima dată, avem o șansă de a extinde în sfârșit Web 3.0 de la perturbarea finanțelor la perturbarea industriei rețelelor sociale de un trilion de dolari.”

Despre DeSo

DeSo is a new layer one blockchain built from the ground up to decentralize social media and scale storage-heavy applications to billions of users. They raised $200 million and are backed by Sequoia, Andreessen Horowitz and several others.

DESO, moneda nativă a blockchain-ului DeSo, este listată pe Coinbase.

For more information about DeSo and username claiming, visit the .


Frasin, Fundația DeSo

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