Băncile mijlocii din SUA caută asigurare FDIC pentru „toate depozitele” timp de 2 ani: Raport

The Mid-size Bank Coalition of America (MBCA) has reportedly asked United States federal regulators to extend insurance on all deposits for the next two years.

According to a March 18 Bloomberg report, the MBCA – a coalition of mid-size U.S. banks – sent a letter to the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) asserting that extending insurance on “all deposits” would “immediately halt the exodus” of deposits from smaller banks.

It also noted that this action will “stabilize” the banking industry and significantly decrease the chances of “more bank failures.”

The report revealed that the MBCA proposed the insurance program be funded by the banks themselves, by raising the deposit-insurance assessment on lenders who opt to participate in the increased coverage.

Aceasta este o poveste în curs de dezvoltare, iar informații suplimentare vor fi adăugate pe măsură ce vor deveni disponibile.