Uniswap sparge 1 mil dolari în volum - dar a fost folosit doar de 3.9 milioane de adrese

Decentralizat de schimb (DEX) Uniswap a depășit 1 trilion de dolari în volumul total de tranzacționare de la lansarea pe Ethereum la sfârșitul anului 2018.

Totuși, acest lucru provine de la o bază de utilizatori relativ mică, ceea ce indică faptul că există o mulțime de creștere potențială care urmează. Potrivit datelor de la Uniswap Labs, care contribuie major la dezvoltarea protocolului și a ecosistemului, numărul de adrese cumulate al DEX a atins aproximativ 3.9 milioane luna aceasta, după puțin peste trei ani.

The data was posted via Twitter on Tuesday, with the Uniswap Labs team noting that: “Over the past three years, the Protocol has Onboarded millions of users to the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), Introduced fair and permissionless trading, Lowered the barrier to liquidity provision.”

Uniswap is currently supported on Ethereum and soluții de scalare layer-2 Polygon, Optimism and Arbitrum. Uniswap Labs also revealed earlier this month that the DEX will be expanding out to two Ethereum Virtual Machine- (EVM)-compatible chains in Gnosis Chain, and Pe baza de polkadot para-chain Moonbeam Network.

In terms of trade volume, Uniswap ranks well ahead of its competition in the DEX market. Data from CoinGecko shows that Protocolul v3 al Uniswap generated $938 million worth of volume over the past 24 hours, representing 33% of the total market share.

In comparatie, Binance Smart Chain bazat PancakeSwap (v2) ranks second with $491 million and 17.3% of the market share.

When comparing Uniswaps’s 24 data with centralized exchanges (CEXs), its $938 million worth of volume places it well behind platforms such as Binance, FTX and Coinbase, which generated $12.2 billion, $1.95 billion and $1.79 billion, respectively.

Notably, however, the DEX is well ahead of some big players in the crypto sector such as Crypto.com and Kraken, which generated $724.9 million and $597.4 million each.

Uniswap has also amassed roughly $5.93 billion worth of total value locked (TVL), the fifth-largest sum in the DeFi sector, according to DefiLlama, while PancakeSwap ranks seventh with $4.27 billion worth of TVL. MakerDAO represents the largest platform with $9.82 billion in TVL.

Related: Uniswap lansează aripa de capital de risc pentru investițiile Web3

Despite Uniswap’s ability to attract strong demand and liquidity, it hasn’t done much to sway the price of its native asset Uniswap (UNI) in 2022. Since the start of January, UNI has dropped around 67% to sit at $5.59 at the time of writing.

UNI’s all-time high of $44.92 was also back in early May 2021, and is down 87.5% since then.