CTO Tether neagă că s-a împrumutat de la creditorul în faliment Celsius

According to its chief technology officer, the company behind Tether (USDT), the world’s largest stablecoin by market capitalization, has never received any loan from the bankrupt cryptocurrency lender Celsius.

Paolo Ardoino, the chief technology officer at Tether and Bitfinex crypto exchange, took to Twitter on Jan. 31 to anunța că Tether „nu a împrumutat niciodată de la Celsius”.

Tweet-ul a venit ca răspuns la Raportul examinatorului de faliment Celsius, which allegedly mistakenly implied that Tether was among Celsius’ borrowers alongside firms like Three Arrows Capital, which borrowed $75 million from the firm.

Eliberat pe 31 ianuarie, raportul examinatorului menționat on page 183 that “Celsius’s loans to Tether were twice its credit limit.”

The report notes that “Tether’s exposure eventually grew to over $2 billion,” which became an issue in late September 2021 when it was described to the risk committee as presenting an “existential risk” to Celsius.

Negând orice expunere la Celsius cu probleme, Ardoino a sugerat că examinatorul Shoba Pillay a amestecat prepoziții în raportul examinatorului, însemnând de fapt „împrumuturi Celsius de la Tether” în loc de „împrumuturi Celsius către Tether”.

“Either is a typo or a mischaracterization,” Tether’s chief technology officer wrote in a Twitter thread started by Financial Times reporter Kadhim Shubber.

De asemenea, Shubber menționat că raportul examinatorului este asociat cu un anumit nivel de înțelegere greșită, menționând:

„Raportul examinatorului de mai sus descrie că Celsius are „împrumuturi” către Tether, dar cred că expunerea provine din faptul că Celsius a postat garanții în plus față de sumele pe care le-a împrumutat de la Tether.”

După cum sa raportat anterior, Celsius ar fi a împrumutat 1 miliard de dolari de la Tether cu Bitcoin (BTC) in 2021. Celsius founder Alex Mashinsky stated that the company was paying an interest rate of between 5% and 6%. In June 2022, Tether said it lichidate the $900 million loan, which came about a month after Celsius a oprit retragerile.

Related: Celsius publică lista utilizatorilor eligibili să retragă majoritatea activelor

According to the latest examiner report, the loan amount was much larger than $1 billion. “Celsius had borrowed $1.823 billion of the stablecoin USDT from Tether, posting as collateral $2.612 billion of its assets under management,” examiner Shubber wrote, adding that the collateral amounted to 17% of all Celsius’ assets.

Pe lângă faptul că acordă împrumuturi masive lui Celsius, Tether este cunoscut ca un investitor timpuriu în firma falimentară. În 2020, Celsius a asigurat o majorare de capital de 10 milioane de dolari from Tether, with Mashinsky highlighting it as an important endorsement by the firm.