Lansarea platformei de crowdfunding WEB3 centrată pe utilizatori

Locul/Data: – 10 octombrie 2022 la 2:09 UTC · 3 min citit
Source: DF Platform

Cursa pentru web3 este pornită și multe companii intră în spațiu pentru a rămâne la curent cu tendințele. Am descoperit o platformă care a folosit web3 într-un mod nou.

Now, when every user wants to experience the maximum level of community and service, the adaptable ones succeed. DeFi 2.0 and DAO principles were used to create a decentralized Web3 crowdfunding platform, which we are happy to announce the launch of.  DF platform efficiently brings business and online Fintech together for maximum synergy and profit.

The platform is just being launched, but it is already ready to offer users profitable projects for financing and creating a powerful community around each project. When you register on the platform, during this week you will be able to see an attractive investment project with an annual return of more than 15% in the real estate market of Bali, Indonesia. You can join the Bali real estate investor community, which has experienced one of the highest growth rates in the world in recent years or join the creation of the crypto-financial future and fund a promising fintech project that wants to make crypto as accessible as fiat money for everyday use. Until the end of 2022, this platform will host a large number of lucrative businesses, of which these are just two examples. With the help of the DF platform, projects that enhance the world in which we all live can be developed where creativity and the right people can mingle.

But what makes DF a truly valuable tool is the unique P2P and P2B interaction. Users can independently make all important decisions regarding the selected projects for financing. The information is completely publicly available and each step is recorded in a smart contract. Blockchains like the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) allow for continuous expansion, the abolition of centralization, and an improvement in transaction speeds, allowing DF Platform to beat the industry norm.  Join the platform and our community now and get the most favorable conditions and promising projects in the early stages. The platform is easy to use, has built-in all popular wallet integration and a high level of security for all users. An app for Android and iOS versions will also be available this month.

Inițiativele inovatoare și prioritare pentru comunitate sunt o descriere care surprinde imaculat etosul Platformei DF. Între creatorii proiectelor de crowdfunding, contribuatorii financiari și toți participanții care aduc diverse abilități la masă, DF Platform democratizează crowdfunding prin deschiderea platformei pentru toată lumea.

Pentru mai multe informații despre DF Platform cititorii pot explora următoarele link-uri: website, Telegramă, Twitter.

Despre Finder

Definitor’s mission is to democratize how the world invests in real-economy assets. Our platform leverages blockchain-based investments to unlock liquidity for asset owners and opportunities for investors, building the future of decentralized finance around the world.

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