Ultimul raport despre rezervele fondului Tether

In what could prove to be a sigh of relief to crypto investors, Tether’s newly released attestation report reveals positive outlook on the stablecoin’s reserves. The company’s latest quarterly assurance opinion demonstrates the strength of Tether fund reserves. It reveals significant reductions in Tether’s commercial paper investments and an overall increase in U.S. treasury bills.

The world’s largest stablecoin boosted its holdings of U.S. government debt by over 13% to $39.2 billion. At the same time, the company reduced its exposure to commercial paper in the first quarter of 2022. The company said this demonstrates its consolidated assets exceed its consolidated liabilities.

Key Figures After UST Crash

This gains prominence in the wake of the recent meltdown in Terra’s ecosystem. The lack of sufficient reserves to support the supply of Terra tokens led to a 99% price decline. This has also led to widespread debate around the trustworthiness of stablecoins.

The 17% decrease in commercial paper holdings is followed by a further 20% reduction since April 1 2022. According to the attestation report, Tether’s total consolidated total assets stand at around $82 billion.

Also, the consolidated group’s reserves held for the digital tokens issued exceeds the amount required to redeem the digital tokens issued. The report also shows a 13% increase in Tether’s investments in money market funds and U.S. treasury bills.

„Tether complet susținut”

Paolo Ardoino, Tether CTO, said the attestation report confirms that Tether has adequate fund reserves. He further said,

„Săptămâna trecută este un exemplu clar al forței și rezistenței Tether. Tether și-a menținut stabilitatea prin mai multe evenimente de lebădă neagră și condiții de piață extrem de volatile și, chiar și în zilele sale cele mai întunecate, Tether nu a eșuat niciodată să onoreze o cerere de răscumpărare din partea vreunuia dintre clienții săi verificați. Această ultimă atestare evidențiază în continuare faptul că Tether este pe deplin susținut și că compoziția rezervelor sale este puternică, conservatoare și lichidă.”

However, Tether continues to be affected by the current market crash. Due to extreme selling pressure, Tether’s total circulating supply plummeted by about $9 billion to $74 billion since the beginning of the month.

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Source: https://coingape.com/just-in-latest-report-on-tethers-fund-reserves/