Protocolul de împrumut DeFi creat de fostul co-fondator QuadrigaCX a depășit 50 de milioane de dolari în TVL

Potrivit DeFi Llama, UwU Lend, o finanțare descentralizată sau DeFi, protocol care acționează ca o piață monetară pe blockchain-ul Ethereum, a depășit 50 de milioane de dolari în valoarea totală blocată (TVL). Protocolul fără custodie a fost creat de Michael Patryn, cunoscut sub pseudonimul „Sifu”, care a fost co-fondatorul defunctului schimb de criptomonede QuadrigaCX.

UwU Lend allows users to earn interest on deposits and pay interest to borrow funds on its platform. Outstanding loans on UwU lend are overcollateralized, with more collateral backing them than debt. A small amount of fees from each transaction goes into the UwU treasury. Borrowers do not have a repayment schedule and there is no limit on loan duration.

The protocol also features its native token, UwU. The tokens can be used to participate in revenue share by staking in the liquidity provider pool. The max supply of UwU is 16 million, of which 50% are for community emissions, 25% are for investors and 25% for the team.

Michael Patryn was previously known as Omar Dhanani before two name changes in 2003 and 2008. He has been convicted of various financial crimes in the United States. After founding QuadrigaCX with co-founder Gerald Cotten in 2013, Patryn left the firm in 2016, citing a disagreement with its listing processes. Cotten died in 2018 of Crohn’s disease and took the private keys to the firm’s crypto to his grave — leading to the permanent loss of over $145 million of customers’ funds. 

La începutul acestui an, detectivul DeFi zachxbt a descoperit că Patryn rula protocolul DeFi Wonderland ca co-fondator și sub pseudonimul Sifu. După reacția puternică a comunității rezultată din cauza dox, proiectul DeFi asediat operațiuni de lichidare. Prețul jetoanelor din Țara Minunilor s-a prăbușit ca urmare.