Top 5 cele mai valoroase colecții NFT și un instrument pentru a le urmări

Unele dintre aceste colecții NFT sunt atât de mereu prezente încât fac deja parte din inconștientul colectiv. Alții, publicul larg nici nu a auzit despre. Ce face o colecție NFT valoroasă? Capitalizarea bursieră este valoarea potențială a întregii colecții, în funcție de dimensiunea acesteia și de valoarea pieselor individuale. În cazul NFT-urilor, este greu de identificat, deoarece este o piață volatilă, cu multă acțiune toată ziua, în fiecare zi.

When IntoTheBlock announced their list, they presented it by saying, “Agreeing on which are the most valuable NFTs collections is certainly hard.” Besides market capitalization, the “Most Valuable NFT Collections” list tracks number of owners, volume trade, average price, and number of sales. All of those stats are pretty common when discussing NFTs, but it’s certainly helpful to have them all on an interactive database.

Pagina afișează, de asemenea, grafice utile care pun totul în perspectivă, cum ar fi „Colecțiile cele mai tranzacționate din toate timpurile”, „Colecțiile cu cei mai mulți proprietari unici” și „Colecțiile NFT în plină expansiune”. Acestea fiind spuse, haideți să ne aruncăm în fiecare dintre colecțiile din Top 5 și să dăm o perspectivă despre ele.

Colecția nr. 1 NFT: Bored Ape Yacht Club

At the moment, the BAYC surpassed the all-powerful Cryptopunks as the most valuable NFT collection. This is not surprising, since the Bored Apes became part of popular culture and are on their way to becoming mainstream. On site-ul lor oficial, they describe themselves as “A limited NFT collection where the token itself doubles as your membership to a swamp club for apes. The club is open! Ape in with us.”

As with most successful products, the Yuga Labs creation doesn’t come without its share of controversy

# 2 Cryptopunks

They might not have been the firsts, but the Cryptopunks are certainly responsible for spearheading and popularizing the NFT movement. At first, you could mint them for free. Nowadays, the average price is 76.64 ETH. On site-ul lor oficial, they describe themselves as “The Cryptopunks are one of the earliest examples of a “Non-Fungible Token” on Ethereum, and were inspiration for the ERC-721 standard that powers most digital art and collectibles.”

The creators recently sold the whole collection to Yuga Labs. And, of course, controversy follows this project as well. And, they’re also on their way to adoptarea mainstream.

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#3 NFT Collection: Mutant Ape Yacht Club

At first, these ones were free as well. They came into the scene as a way to reward BAYC members. Owners received an airdrop of “Mutant Serum,” using it they could mint a mutant version of their ape as a completely new NFT. Nowadays, the average price is 32.99 ETH. They don’t have an official site, but this is the NFT collection’s Open Sea page. As you can see by its place on this list, the interest in this collection keeps growing.

#4 CloneX

The collaboration between legendary Japanese artist Takashi Murakami and “digital artifacts” creator RTFKT is a success like no other. This might have to do with Nike’s recent acquisition of the company. The NFT collection ’s official site doesn’t describe itself, but Știri NFT does, “CloneX NFT collection is not only equipped for the Metaverse and features high-end avatars, but also marks the beginning of a community-focused environment ”

#5 Colecția NFT: Moonbirds

The newcomer of the bunch is the Moonbirds NFT Collection. Their official site describes them as, “a collection of 10,000 utility-enabled PFPs that feature a richly diverse and unique pool of rarity-powered traits.” Since they’re so new, they’re easily beating all of the other collections in number of daily sales. Of course, the NewsBTC team a fost covering the story asa cum se intampla.

Alte colecții NFT în Top 10: Azuki, Sandbox's LANDs, Doodles, Veefriends și Meebits.

Featured Image: the most valuable list, taken from this tweet | Diagrame după TradingView
