Proiectul NFT Collection Bulls and Apes

Bulls & Apes Project features fantastic 3D art, fleshed out tokenomics, fun gamification, and IRL events to reward holders. Holding NFTs in our collection gives you access to our private “Inner Circle” membership, which provides networking opportunities, masterminds, VC deal flow (for accredited investors), and more! Get the full details at

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Numărul total de proprietari a ajuns la 1514.

NFT Collection Bulls and Apes Project – Genesis Price and Sales

The market capitalization of Bulls and Apes Project – Genesis NFT collection is 9,285.41 ETH. For all time, 7,147 collections sales were made at an average price of 0.47 ETH (~$757.94 at the time of writing). This created a total volume in 3,364.421 ETH. The floor price of Bulls and Apes Project – Genesis is 0.6459 and the 30-day trading volume is kept at 292.06 ETH. The payment tokens of the Bulls and Apes Project – Genesis collection are ETH, WETH.

Bulls and Apes Project – Genesis traits list


Horn chains 104

Happy hour 119

Scarf red 52

Chain bull 54

Headset silver 115

Vin 100

Bere 167

Tropical drink 96

Cercei 465

Chain b 2 60

Horn spikes 116

Chain b 3 59

Horn rings 239

Guitar normal 48

Chain b 1 73

Headset black 203

Inghetata 29

Chain rocket 3 62

Scarf gold 7

Headset gold 7

Necklace chess 66

Bazooka 43

Celebrare 48

Eguitar 51

Headset white 133

Evil bear 109

Chain rocket 2 67

Chain rocket 4 59

Chain b 4 63

Chain rocket 1 55

Biliard 45

Chain b diamnd 79

Skateboard 84

Headset m pink 35

Guitar gold 6

Evil bear glow 8

Ping pong 51

Guitar pink 10

Placă de surf 37

Eguitar pink 6

God standard 300

Eguitar gold 2

Scarf black 28

God weapon 200


Royal teal 427

armură 146

Custom fabric2 178

Mocha brown 1153

Custom fabric1 172

Alba ca Zapada 1291

Albastru de cobalt 375

Mylar blue 192

Crystal mint 176

Dualitate 193

Leopard 109

Chrome 72

Zebră 95

Roșu rubiniu 372

Energie 137

Gri grafit 477

Paint splash 218

Dalmation 254

Mylar orange 183

Dragon skin 112

Camuflaj 235

Rainbow spots 115

Tigru 126

Eternal stone 102

Galben canar 233

Verde smarald 360

Curcubeu 56

Roz cristal 119

Apă 77

Amethyst prpl 367

lavă 31

Diamond plate 259

Mylar red 161

fleacuri 155

Fantomă 48

Artist 198

Bubblegum pink 126

Crystal rnbw 99

Poker skin 21

Miezul nopții negru 146

Crystal multi 40

Mylar pink 80

De răchită 64

Metaverse 236

Prism spots 77

pocher 31

Rubin 27

Infern 60

Aur 19


Tankt y gym 16

Shirt blk 29

Tankt b gym 13

Football blue 38

Basketball red 19

Shirt wht 127

Tie black 97

Apocalyptic blue 106

Baseball blue 65

Supererou 48

Tshirt black 16

Tshirt gray 25

Pompier 36

Suit pin stripe 20

Samurai 18

vasalitate 32

Tankt wht 61

Suit black 124

Skate teal 160

Tshirt red 22

Tshirt bap2 9

Boxer red 34

Tankt blk 64

Tankt ylw 46

Tshirt apeing 23

Basketball blk 94

Special ops 81

Police 68

Army hard hat 84

Pictor 100

Tankt w gym 14

Tshirt alpha 57

Pirat 84

Tshirt college 14

Football wht 32

Schi 44

Smoking prpl 33

Tshirt lybl 23

Football red 42

Tie white 43

Spartan 68

Tshirt ya herd 15

Smoking red 113

Tshirt hodl 22

Pilot standard 59

Tshirt draw s 14

Hochei 33

Tankt b bap 19

Tshirt d hands 23

Tuxedo black 74

Bowtie blk 123

Prizonier 114

Apocalyptic pink 92

Tshirt inner c 24

Tshirt winning 15

Tenis 45

Pescuit 40

Tshirt white 34

Bowling 61

Bath robe 118

Bowtie rnbw 10

Suit gold 5

Astronaut wht 27

Vânătoare 25

Bowtie wht 72

Pilot military 29

Army soft hat 91

Tie rainbow 9

Golf 40

Tuxedo white 9

Jucător de fotbal 44

Rege 6

Tshirt bap 21

Tshirt queen 6

Shirt gold 3

Haină de laborator 77

Cal de curse 29

Shirt pink 11

Tshirt bullish 12

Tshirt lybl2 3

Preot 12

Tankt p bap 8

Tshirt run wu 17

bucătar-șef 70

Tshirt m pink 4

Tshirt teal 24

Tankt pnk 28

Tie red 40

Boxer gold 4

Boxer white 22

Thobe 19

Tankt p gym 12

Tshirt whiskey 20

Tankt y bap 12

Smoking gold 11

Bowtie red 18

Tshirt no bs 11

Skate gold 6

Doctor 51

Tshirt creator 21

Tankt w bap 10

Tshirt dollar 9

Tankt gold 5

Shirt blue 19

Baseball wht 10

Costum albastru 31

Shirt m pink 6

Tie pink 7

Bowtie gold 7

Tshirt bull 14

Tuxedo gold 4

Boxer pink 10

Tshirt shock 5

Astronaut slvr 4

Tie gold 5

Shirt m silver 13

Skate pink 9

Tshirt boss b 5

Tshirt diamond 1


Râde 477

Smile medium 920

Smile big 652

Smile small 1112

Prietenos 1145

Nedumerit 47

Puternic 786

Smile conf 455

Răutăcios 117

Încrezător 826

Șoc 50

Lion mouth 1 73

Nu-mi pasă 119

Lip bite angry 81

țipând 33

Cigar gold 16

Lion mouth 2 59

Supărat 92

Plictisit 723

Cigar smile 93

Trabuc 96

Pup 49

Scobitoare 351

Gold smile big 39

Rainbow smile big 33

ţigară 105

Party favor 97

M goatee 37

Rockstar 182

meh 208

Cig angry 122

Nebun 198

Limba afară 138

Curly stache 48

Cioc 39

1 gold smile big 75

Lion roar 42

Lip bite 101

Gold laugh 65

Gold yelling 6

Diamante 23

Rainbow laugh 38

Gold shock 8

Cigar smile gold 15

God emotion 5 81

Rainbow shock 6

Rainbow yelling 3

God emotion 4 78

God emotion 1 115

God emotion 2 74

God emotion 3 76

God emotion 6 76


Teal large 1140

Rubin 379

Smarald 778

Safir 1200

Pink large 593

Furtunos 916

Orange large 770

Violet 729

Cafea 1207

Strălucire roșie 65

Însorit 871

Hipnotic 180

Strălucire albastră 97

Gumă de mestecat 262

Curcubeu 198

Bani 207

congestionat 223

Străin 185

God blue 145

God green 127

God red 98

God white 130


North 2625

Sud 2625

Est 2625

Vest 2625


Albastru 538

Chrome 464

Aur pirat 60

Split blue red 314

Alb 2418

Alien metal 77

Miezul nopţii 504

Violet 506

Rich wood 330

Supreme chain 82

pocher 62

Crystal pure 303

Roz 199

Portocaliu 463

graffiti 358

Piele 333

Lemn pietrificat 116

Roșu 513

Brazilia 5

Roz cristal 110

Verde 518

Curcubeu 52

Verde cristal 333

Motherofpearl 84

Latex 102

ghepard 470

Sub zero ice 76

Onyx snake 79

Diamondplate 92

Panouri metalice 106

De aur 33

Străin 100

Finlanda 5

Sunrise glass 53

lavă 57

Uk 5

China 5

India 5

Hong Kong 5

Germania 5

Pakistan 5

Franţa 5

Folosi 5

Irlanda 5

Japonia 5

Coreea de Sud 5

Rusia 5

Singapore 5

Australia 5

Olanda 5

Vietnam 5

Canada 5


9 de trăsături 3420

10 de trăsături 1093

8 de trăsături 4929

7 de trăsături 951

11 de trăsături 107

Breedings Left

3 2452

2 492

0 6524

1 532

ochelari de design

Aviator black 536

Shades 628

Masca 91

Lasers red 21

Dual colored 100

Apocaliptic 82

Lasers blue 60

Digital x 137

Plasture de ochi 98

Meme glasses 94

Led glasses 85

ochelari 3D 257

Ochelari de stea 76

Aviator red 127


Parte 54

Snapback wht 66

Pilot 181

Cap bap gray 74

Mohawk white 60

Cap bull black 86

Cap bap white 95

Jetoane de poker 27

Safari 110

Cap bull mpnk1 50

Şarpe 23

Cowboy 156

Snapback pink 16

Snapback gl 1 71

Cap bull white 96

Beanie ski bobble 66

Darts 28

Beanie yellow 19

Cap glasses 98

Căpitan 182

Cap bw gold 19

Cap bap black 86

Alien control 29

Beanie black 29

Palarie de top 41

Bufon 38

Şofer 35

Mohawk red 10

Mohawk black 52

Bunny pink 47

Alcool 43

Cap bull gold 8

Cap bull gray 91

Mohawk blue 29

Tragere cu arcul 35

Cap backwards 83

Beanie green 16

Faux hawk 66

Headband 28

Helmet spiked 34

Bunny gold 9

Fur 1 11

sushi 26

Cap spiked 63

Cap bull mslv 17

Proxenet 11

Snapback blk 145

fluturi 52

spiridus 21

Cap solid gold 15

Beanie white 22

Top hat usa 32

Fur 2 16

Cap bap pink 36

Beanie gold 3

Păr roz 26

Cap bull mpnk2 20

Snapback crown 8

Snapback gl 2 19

Cap bap mslvr 18

Frog gold 5

Cap spiked gold 22

Coroană de șapcă 9

Mohawk pink 8

Broască 9

Octopus purple 4

Octopus red 12

Snapback gold 9

Pizza 11

Lumanari 13

Coroană 8

Anime blue 17

Cowboy gold 2

Anime green 5

Cap bap gold 9

Snapback gl 3 4


Hoodie 2 mpink 31

Puffy black 132

Puffy mtl prpl 26

Hoodie 2 gray 139

Hoodie 1 gray 92

Hoodie 1 mpink 16

Hoodie 2 white 261

Fur cap white 30

Hoodie 2 black 133

Puffy mtl teal 28

Hoodie 1 white 138

Hoodie 1 black 91

Fur brown 40

Puffy white 75

Hoodie 3 mgrn 7

Hoodie 3 white 36

Hoodie 2 mgrn 32

Piele negru 84

Fur cap prpl 20

Hoodie 1 mblue 27

Fur cap brown 135

Hoodie 2 mrnbw 13

Hoodie 2 mred 33

Fur white 8

Hoodie 1 mgrn 19

Puffy gold 11

Hoodie 3 gray 20

Fur cap black 35

Piele roz 24

Hoodie 2 mslv 25

Hoodie 3 mpink 7

Fur black 10

Hoodie 3 black 24

Hoodie 2 mblue 36

Hoodie 1 mrnbw 8

Hoodie 3 mslv 8

Hoodie 1 mslv 17

Fur purple 6

Hoodie 1 mred 16

Fur rainbow 2

Hoodie 3 mred 8

Fur teal 5

Fur cap teal 14

Hoodie 3 mblue 6

Fur cap rnbw 4

Hoodie 2 gold 8

Hoodie 3 mrnbw 4

Hoodie 1 gold 3

Hoodie 3 gold 3

Mediu inconjurator

God scene 1 250

God scene 3 125

God scene 2 125

God Form

God standard 325

God epic 175

God Type

Hell god 50

Forest god 50

Animal god 50

Rock god 50

zeul mării 50

Galactic god 50

Undead god 50

Air god 50

Mech god 50

Lighting god 50

Bulls and Apes Project – Genesis fees

  • Taxa de cumpărător pentru dezvoltare: 0 puncte de bază
  • Taxa vânzătorului către dezvoltatori: 700 de puncte de bază
  • Taxa de cumpărător către 0 puncte de bază
  • Taxa vânzătorului către 250 puncte de bază
  • Taxa de cumpărător: 0 puncte de bază
  • Taxa vânzătorului: 950 puncte de bază

Bulls and Apes Project – Genesis editors list

The approved editor’s accounts of Bulls and Apes Project – Genesis collection are 0x3689540e39ac2e01f15942b099dba0fe14d471c2.

Declinare de responsabilitate: Acest articol este furnizat doar în scop informativ. Nu este oferit sau intenționat să fie folosit ca sfaturi juridice, fiscale, de investiții, financiare sau de altă natură.
