Artistul legendar Yoshitaka Amano este partener cu Astar Network pentru noua sa colecție NFT

29 septembrie 2022 - Singapore, Singapore

Rețeaua Astar, a smart contracts platform for multichain, today announces its partnership with the legendary artist Yoshitaka Amano to create and release an exclusive NFT collection on the Astar blockchain.

This is the first time Amano’s fantasy worlds and characters will come to life on a blockchain, where his art can interact with the projects and communities of Astar.

Yoshitaka Amano is a renowned Japanese artist responsible for iconic artwork including ‘Speed Racer,’ ‘Sandman: The Dream Hunters’ cover art and most notably ‘Final Fantasy.’

A pioneer in creating impossible worlds that pull from his interests in Western culture, Yoshitaka’s unique style of Japanese art is admired across the globe.

Sota Watanabe, fondator și CEO al Astar Network, a spus:

“Without a doubt, Yoshitaka Amano is a legendary artist in the 21st century. I am very honored to be able to work with him and host his first NFT on Astar Network.”

Acesta marchează, de asemenea, începutul parteneriatului Astar Network cu Twin Planet pentru a ajuta profesioniștii în arte plastice să-și pună activele digitale într-o rețea de încredere și sigură pentru a-și aduce arta publicului. Twin Planet este firma de management al talentelor care îl reprezintă pe Yoshitaka Amano și alți artiști populari.

Amano said,

“For people to see and appreciate my work is a bonus. It makes me want to draw even more. That was already the case when I was a child, and it hasn’t changed ever since.”

Astar Network will manage Yoshitaka Amano’s ‘Candy Girl‘ artwork, a sensational collection that features 108 angels. The art is young and glamorous, yet sophisticated and appealing to media applications already inspiring clothing design at ‘Tokyo Girls Collection 2017’ and high fashion at the Mitsukoshi Ginza’s ‘Discover Tokyo’ event.

Astar will build a Web 3.0 entertainment site for the ‘Candy Girl’ collection to take root in its ecosystem and branch to new galleries, entertainment or design. Thus, NFT ownership of fine art will have a direct connection to real-world value through the partnership.

‘Candy Girl’ will lead the way for Japanese content creators to own their art, music and stories but engage with a global audience and business.

Amano’s powerful art has led him to collaborate with over 20 authors, successfully creating illustrated books that have sold millions of copies. Now, the collaboration with both Amano and Twin Planet establishes Astar Network as the blockchain of choice for professional artists to create, auction and exhibit their valuable artwork.

Creating this limited edition NFT collection on Astar is not only important to Japan but also to Astar’s vision to bring the East to the West, fine art to blockchain technology and introduce international leaders to the Web 3.0 world.

Despre Astar Network

Rețeaua Astar is the future of smart contracts for multichain. Astar Network supports the building of DApps with EVM and WASM smart contracts and offers developers true interoperability, with cross-consensus messaging (XCM).

Suntem creați de dezvoltatori și pentru dezvoltatori. Modelul unic de build-to-earn de la Astar le permite dezvoltatorilor să fie plătiți printr-un mecanism de staking DApp pentru codul pe care îl scriu și DApps pe care le construiesc.

Astar’s vibrant ecosystem has become Polkadot’s leading parachain globally, supported by all major exchanges and tier one VCs. Astar offers the flexibility of all Ethereum and WASM toolings for developers to start building their DApps. To accelerate growth on Polkadot and Kusama Networks, Astar SpaceLabs oferă un hub de incubare pentru DApps TVL de top.

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Valeria Kholostenko, Astar Network

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