Kleks Academy transformă industria cinematografică prin tehnologia NFT

A collection of unique multi-D NFTs, which double as tickets to the Kleks Academy universe, will be available to purchase in the early bird pre-sale on September 27th, the September 28th presale, and the September 29th general sale.

Kleks – O poveste veche, readusă la viață. 

Generații de copii polonezi au crescut pe profesorul Kleks, un univers creat cu decenii înainte de Hogwarts. Totul a început cu o poveste scrisă în anii '40 de Jan Brzechwa, care a fost transformată într-un film cult în anii '80, pe care peste 30 de milioane de polonezi l-au văzut în cinematograf. 

Technology has since advanced drastically, allowing for the legendary Professor Kleks to be brought back, this time for a global audience.

And who better to do this than the Open Mind Production team, which has released consecutive smash hits, including “365 Days 1 and 2”, which garnered well over 500 million views on Netflix. 

Încorporând noi tehnologii pentru a transforma experiența filmului  

Technology is allowing the team not just to tell the story of Professor Kleks in ways that were previously impossible – it is also allowing them to bring the film experience to viewers like never before.

The Kleks Academy will be accessible thanks to multi-D NFTs, minted on ERC-721 compliant contracts deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, which will be your access ticket to the Kleks Academy. 

The Kleks Multi-D NFTs – NFTs with a twist 

Academia Kleks multi-D NFTs are hexahedrons, or six-sided, 3D animated NFTs, with each side containing graphics and information, revealed over time in Multiple Discoveries, and holders will be able to Side Swap, making their NFTs even rarer.

Kleks NFT vin cu beneficii cu adevărat fără precedent pentru proprietarii lor, care vor transforma experiența cinematografică și scena NFT.

Holders will be able to participate in the film like never before – they will be included from the get-go, with access to the production process, roles in the films as extras or speaking roles invites to special screenings, and access to augmented reality elements within the films and finally, to the Kleks Academy custom built metaverse which will enable them to continue the adventure. 

FRECKLE$, combustibilul ecosistemului Academiei Kleks 

Kleks Academy Metaverse va fi alimentat de FRECKLE$, un jeton utilitar pe blockchain, fiecarei NFT multi-D, din momentul baterii, i-a fost atribuită o eliberare zilnică de FRECKLE$ în FRECKLE$ METER, cu o cantitate garantată de FRECKLE. $ eliberat într-o perioadă de 5 ani.  

About Kleks

The Kleks Academy is a limited collection of Multi-D NFTs that will live on the Ethereum blockchain, co-founded by the Open-Minded Production team.

The multi-D NFT is your entrance ticket to the Kleks Academy adventure, which includes the film production process, as well as augmented reality and the metaverse.

For more information visit its website and request its manuscris și urmăriți Introducing Kleks Academy video. To stay in the loop and get your WL, join its Discordie.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/kleks-academy-transforms-the-cinema-industry-via-nft-technology/