Jurassic Punks NFT – O colecție unică generativă NFT construită în Unreal Engine Five

4 mai 2022 - Londra, Regatul Unit

Jurassic Punks este creația de Studiourile Meta-Labs (London, United Kingdom), an animation and filmmaking studio founded by two veterans of the visual effects (VFX) industry. They have worked with and led some of the most influential studios in the post industry, working with clients such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Lacoste, Audi and Rolex, alongside some of the world’s best directors.

The team has a wealth of experience in VFX, motion capture, storytelling, animation and Web 3.0. They work together, utilizing decades of high-end studio experience to push boundaries within the NFT and Web 3.0 space.

James Spillman, creator, writer and founder of JPunks NFT, said,

„Acest proiect este un vis devenit realitate pentru noi, ca creatori, și nu avem nicio îndoială cu privire la capacitatea echipei noastre de a executa și de a conduce spațiul NFT și metaversul în viitor.”


Sixty-five million years ago, an asteroid rocketed toward Earth, an extinction-level event destined to wipe out an entire species - but it missed. Left to thrive, the dinosaurs evolved into the JPunks, a 3D misfit group of characters who are now the dominant species in the metaverse.

JPunks is a one-of-a-kind generative NFT collection built in Unreal Engine Five. This is an industry-first NFT collection, utilizing state-of-the-art film quality motion capture to bring your metaverse-ready NFTs to life.


The 7,777 JPunk NFTs empower owners with their own 3D rigged models, including commercial IP rights, ready to integrate into compatible games and metaverses. These assets have all been built in Unreal Engine Five by JPunk’s award-winning visual effects team utilizing their own 30,000 square foot state-of-the-art film studio with a motion capture stage. Its film quality motion capture capabilities are an invaluable asset in ensuring the Jurassic Punks are ready for anything.

They have utilized motion capture with a film quality Configurare Xsens and have support for facial recognition using Apple’s AR kit. Owners can use their JPunkNFTs on their phones as a filter or even use them as an avatar in an online meeting.

Funds from the whitelist and public sales and secondaries have been prioritized in the budget for achieving their roadmap goals, hitting every milestone they have planned for their community.

Kevin Docherty, founder of JPunks NFT, said,

“We do not see this as just ‘another project’ but as the future of our careers and lives for many years to come, and we have the drive, experience and determination to ensure that happens.”


Un metavers deschis pentru toți a fost întotdeauna cel mai mare obiectiv al JPunks, iar acest lucru poate fi atins doar prin colaborare. Asa de, JPunksNFT a colaborat deja cu Netvrk, Collider Craftworks, My Pet Hooligan, Brandverse, Xone and more.

They will be delivering an animated series and a live digital fashion show metaverse starring owners JPunks, utilizing their own film studio, blurring the lines between physical and digital.

About Jurassic Punks

Jurassic Punks NFT is the creation of Meta-Labs Studios (London, United Kingdom), an animation and filmmaking studio founded by two veterans of the VFX industry. They have worked with and led some of the most influential studios in the post industry, working with clients such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Lacoste, Audi and Rolex, alongside some of the world’s best directors.

Purpose-built in Unreal Engine Five, Jurassic Punks empowers owners with their own 3D rigged models, including commercial IP rights, ready to integrate into compatible games and metaverses. They are delivering an animated series and a live digital fashion show metaverse, starring owners JPunks, utilizing their own 30,000 square foot motion capture studio setup, blurring the lines between physical and digital.

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Edmondson bogat, Meta-Labs Studios

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/05/04/jurassic-punks-nft-a-unique-generative-nft-collection-built-in-unreal-engine-five/