Analiza prețului VeChain: VET/USD se luptă pentru 0.0660 USD

TL; Defalcare DR

  • Analiza prețului VeChain este de urs.
  • Cea mai puternică rezistență este prezentă la 0.0894 ​​USD.
  • Prețul de tranzacționare al VeChain este de 0.0641 USD.

The VeChain price analysis shows that the price of VET/USD has suffered a massive bearish movement today, on January 21, 2022. The price had broken the support and entered a breakout at the $0.0660 mark after reaching $0.0641 on January 21, 2022. On January 20, 2022, the price fell extensively after experiencing a flash crash, dropping the price of VET to $0.0675 from $0.0749. The cost of VET has been down 9.59% in the last 24 hours, with a trading volume of $296,962,080.

Analiza prețului VET/USD pe 4 ore: Ultimele evoluții

Analiza prețului VeChain a dezvăluit volatilitatea pieței în urma unei mișcări masive de deschidere, ceea ce înseamnă că prețul criptomonedei a devenit semnificativ mai vulnerabil la schimbările volatile la oricare dintre extreme. Benzile de rezistență și de suport par să se îndepărteze una de cealaltă, indicând o volatilitate în creștere. Limita superioară a benzii lui Bollinger este prezentă la 0.0776 USD, care acționează ca o rezistență puternică pentru VET. Limita inferioară a limitei benzii Bollinger este disponibilă la 0.0660 USD, reprezentând un alt punct de rezistență pentru VET, mai degrabă decât suportul său.

Prețul VET/USD pare să se fi rupt pentru a susține și a făcut ca piața să intre într-o erupție, ceea ce poate duce la o inversare.

The VET/USD price appears to be crossing under the Moving Average curve, signifying a bearish trend. Furthermore, the price path seems to be moving downwards, exceeding the support and resulting in a breakout, providing an opportunity to the bulls. This could potentially lead to a bullish market, and with the volatility increasing, there is also massive room for further bullish activity.

VeChain Price Analysis: VET/USD struggles for $0.0660 1
Sursa graficului prețului pe 4 ore VET/USD: TradingView

The VeChain price analysis reveals that the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is 28, which severely puts the cryptocurrency undervalued; the value exceeds the threshold and enters the entire depreciation region. The RSI appears to be following a slight upwards approach that reflects the value of the cryptocurrency slowly escalating its value, possibly moving towards stability through a reverse movement. The RSI score experienced an increment because the buying activity exceeded the selling activity.

VeChain Price Analysis for 1-day: Market starts to open

The VeChain price analysis shows market volatility following a slightly expanding direction. This means that VET/USD prices subject to fluctuations will fluctuate in the same direction as volatility; more volatility memes more probability of the price shifting to either extreme. The upper limit of the Bollinger’s band exists at $0.0894, which acts as the strongest resistance for VET. On the other hand, the lower limit of the Bollinger’s band is available at $0.0659, representing another resistance point for VET rather than its support.

The VET/USD price seems to be crossing under the Moving Average curve, indicating a bearish trend. Furthermore, we can observe the price path following a declining movement which has broken the support and given the bulls a fighting chance at last. The market undergoes a complete breakout; with the expanding volatility, the price of VET might soon increase significantly.

VeChain Price Analysis: VET/USD struggles for $0.0660 2
Sursa graficului prețului pe o zi VET/USD: TradingView

The VeChain price analysis reveals that the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is 30, which means that the cryptocurrency shows severe signs of being undervalued. VeChain falls in the undervalued region. The RSI appears to follow a downward movement that reflects a decreasing market trend and maneuver away from stability. The selling activity exceeding the buying activity causes a decline in the RSI score.

Concluzia analizei prețurilor vehiculelor

The VeChain price analysis concludes that the cryptocurrency shows bearish momentum with massive opportunities for a reversal. The price reached $0.0749 on January 20, 2022; however, the price has been struggling even for the $0.0660 mark now. In addition, the price has been fluctuating. The current price of VeChain is $0.0647. However, the VET market sows massive potential for a reversal movement to get VeChain back on track.

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