Twitter începe să lanseze accesul la fotografiile de profil NFT

NFT profile pictures have begun to arrive on Twitter.

Twitter Blue, the social media platform’s subscription service, rolled out the feature Thursday with a splashy introduction video and step-by-step explainer page

According to today’s announcements, Twitter’s profile picture feature is being powered by the API of NFT marketplace OpenSea. Supported wallets are Coinbase Wallet, MetaMask, Rainbow, Argent, Trust and Ledger Live.

„Configurarea unei imagini de profil NFT înseamnă că oamenii vă pot asocia contul de Twitter cu adresa publică a portofelului criptografic al portofelului conectat”, a spus Twitter pe pagina sa explicativă. „Aceasta înseamnă că contul tău de Twitter va fi asociat cu tranzacțiile și deținerile actuale și istorice ale portofelului cripto, inclusiv cu toate celelalte NFT-uri din acel portofel, deoarece toate aceste informații sunt disponibile pe blockchain-ul public.”

Twitter stressed that it will never seek funds from or access to a user’s wallet, cautioning about potential scammers who may attempt to do so. 

At present, the feature is limited to those on the iOS mobile platform.

“Right now subscribers can only set an NFT as their profile picture from the Twitter for iOS app, but the hexa-shaped profile picture is seen across all platforms,” said Twitter.

The move is a significant development for the platform’s crypto-related ambitions, which last September enabled bitcoin tipping via the Lightning Network. The company also offered details about its internal NFT projects as well. 

In practice, a Twitter account with the NFT profile picture feature enabled displays an array of information about the NFT in question, including its creator, specific properties and characteristics, network (like Ethereum) and which token standard was used to deploy it, among other details.

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