Turcia blochează începutul discuțiilor privind aplicațiile NATO ale Finlandei și Suediei


Turkey blocked an effort Wednesday to fast-track Finland and Sweden’s NATO applications, potentially preventing a swift accession to the alliance due to concerns from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the two countries support organizations Turkey considers to be terrorists.


Turkey prevented a procedural vote to open accession talks on the same day Finland and Sweden prezentat their official applications to join the alliance, multiplu ştiri desfacere raport.

Turcia relatărilor said it needed time to work through issues related to Finland and Sweden joining the alliance, and prevăzut a list of grievances to NATO ambassadors detailing concerns of the two countries’ support for Kurdish groups, which Turkey considers to be „terorişti”.

A Turkish official a spus il Financial Times Turkey isn’t “saying they can’t be NATO members,” adding they want to reach an agreement, and “the sooner we can reach an agreement, the sooner the membership discussions can start.”

Finlanda și Suedia, along with some Western allies, have offered support to the Kurdish people and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, while Turkey has been luptând împotriva grupări kurde armate de zeci de ani.

New York Times Rapoarte Turkey’s opposition to the two countries’ applications isn’t considered to be its final position, but is likely an effort to get member countries to take their concerns more seriously.

A NATO official said in a statement to Forbes “the security interests of all Allies have to be taken into account,” and that the alliance is “determined to work through all issues and reach a rapid conclusion.”

Fundalul cheie

Erdogan has opoziție exprimată to Finland and Sweden joining NATO in the past week, saying their support for the Kurds raises questions about adding the two countries as NATO members. A senior Turkish official a spus Bloomberg Friday that Turkey wants Finland and Sweden to take a clear stance against Kurdish militants fighting in southeast Turkey, and that Turkey will hold negotiations over their membership. Erdogan’s spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin clarificat Saturday that Turkey isn’t attempting to block Finland and Sweden’s bids entirely, but wants to ensure that the national security of all NATO members is taken into consideration. All 30 NATO members must unanimously approve new countries, meaning if Turkey continues to oppose Finland and Sweden’s accession, it could single-handedly block the two countries from joining the alliance.

Critic șef

Secretarul General al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg a declarat reporterilor Sunday that Turkey’s intention is not to block membership. “I’m confident that we will be able to address the concerns that Turkey has expressed in a way that doesn’t delay the membership or the accession process,” Stoltenberg said. “My intention is still to have a quick and swift process.”

Citat crucial

President Joe Biden released a declaraţie of support Wednesday for Finland and Sweden’s applications, saying the U.S. will work with the two countries “to remain vigilant against any threats” and “to deter and confront aggression or the threat of aggression.” “Finland and Sweden are longtime, stalwart partners of the United States,” Biden said. “By joining NATO, they will further strengthen our defense cooperation and benefit the entire Transatlantic Alliance.”

Lecturi suplimentare

„Moment istoric”: Finlanda și Suedia depun cereri de aderare la NATO (Forbes)

Turcia se opune aderării Finlandei și Suediei la NATO, spune Erdogan (Forbes)

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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/annakaplan/2022/05/18/turkey-blocks-start-of-talks-on-finland-and-swedens-nato-applications/