Marți, 19 aprilie Soluție și indiciu

Tuesday is upon us. Today’s name comes from the Old English Tiw’s Day, referencing the Germanic god Tiw, or Týr in Old Norse. The god’s rune ᛏ is the equivalent of the letter ‘T’ in the runic alphabet.

Týr was a god of war, similar to the Roman god Mars—indeed, in Latin languages the day is devoted to Mars instead, hence marți in spaniola, marți in Italian and Marți in franceza.

It is a day of war, in other words, of battle and valor and great glory. But for we Wordling types—better satisfied with word puzzles and brain teasers than dying on the bloody field—it’s a day to solve one of the trickier Wordles we’ve seen in some time.

Câteva link-uri utile legate de Wordle înainte de a începe

Răspunsul și sugestia de astăzi Wordle #304

Perhaps it’s not as heroic as Týr sacrificing his hand to the great wolf Fenrir, but I must warn you of the coming spoilers. Both a hint and today’s Wordle answer follow.

First, the hint: You’ll find these when entering many buildings, especially theaters or hotels.

Și răspunsul este. . . .


This is one of those tricky words both because of how it’s spelled and because it’s pronounced differently in American and British English. Americans say foy-ur while Brits say foy-yay (though many Americans, with a bit of an upturned nose, prefer the British version).

It is a fancy word regardless of how you pronounce it and that might prove a bit tricky for today’s puzzle. I had some trouble getting there myself, with ‘the unluckiest’ possible outcome for my first guess, Revendicare, according to the Wordle Bot. Normally this word will cut solutions down to 164 but with today’s word it left me with 455 possible solutions remaining. Ouch!

Pantaloni scurți was much better, and Wordle Bot agreed. “Great choice,” WB informed me. “SHORT would’ve been one of my top picks. You’ve narrowed it down to 27 possible solutions.”

Alas, my next choice was not so great. I knew it wouldn’t be. I was hoping for a grand slam. A Hail Mary. I thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool if eroare was the right word and I just luckily guessed it on #3?”

Wordle Bot informed me that I cut the solutions down to 9 here, but ROGER would have been better “74 percent of the time.” Roger? Bine.

Again, Wordle Bot wagged its finger at me for my fourth guess, boxer, and pointed out that ‘WONKY here eliminates more solutions in eight of the nine possible scenarios.” I hate you, Wordle Bot.

Even in my moment of glory, Wordle Bot gives me a ZERO ‘skill’ rating for guessing the right word, foaier, in my fifth and final guess. Apparently I should have guessed gras (a 99 skill word!) even thought it wouldn’t have been correct! “You got it!” WB tells me, “But, with five solutions still to choose from, this was a bit of a lucky guess.”

Mmmmhmmm. I hate you, Wordle Bot. I love you but I also hate you.

Thanks for reading, folks! Have a lovely Tiw’s Day. Make love, not war. Maybe play a little Zeul razboiului if the warrior inside you gets a hankering for battle. See you on Thor’s Day—Paul Tassi has tomorrow’s (aka Odin’s) Wordle.

Asigurați-vă că pentru a urmăriți-mă pe blogul meu pentru a fi la curent cu toate postările mele Wordle și non-Wordle! Este gratuit să mă abonez și încerc să-mi măresc numărul de urmăritori, astfel încât să-mi faci un lucru solid. Mulțumiri!

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