Răspunsul „Cuvânt” de astăzi #234: Soluția de marți, 8 februarie

Tuesday is upon us and with it, another Wordle to solve!

The viral hit puzzle game is still gonig strong, with millions of players solving each daily puzzle—or trying, anyways.

Josh Wardle’s puzzle game is such a smash success—despite being totally free to play—that the New York Times purchased wordle for a “low seven figures” sum.

Pentru începătorii Wordle, iată piesa mea explicativă despre joc și originea acestuia, precum și o introducere despre cum să joace. am scris si eu această piesă la îndemână cu sfaturi și trucuri dacă sunteți în căutarea unui ajutor suplimentar pentru a alege cele mai bune cuvinte sau doar pentru a vă perfecționa abilitățile de a vă încurca cuvintele în general.

The game is simple to learn though it can be tough to guess the correct answer each day. You won’t find it on the App Store or Google Play, but you can visit its official website to get started.

Before we go any further: Spoiler Warning! Today’s Wordle solution is below. You’ve been warned!

Răspunsul Wordle de astăzi #234 Cuvântul zilei

Before we get to the answer, a hint: Useful for pictures and to throw off the scent.

I’m pretty sure this was mostly luck. I guessed ‘PINKY’ (I guessed BRAIN recently and I guess I have Pinky și creierul on my mind now) and from there, with no correct letters, I guessed SHAFT.

Totally randomly I decided to try an ‘F’ word on for size, and having eliminated quite a few common letters just went with FRAME on a whim. I was extremely surprised when it turned out to be today’s answer!

Best of luck with your puzzling, my fellow Wordlers! May the Force be with you!

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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2022/02/08/todays-wordle-word-of-the-day-answer-234-tuesday-february-8th/