Banca centrală elvețiană testează CBDC cu ridicata cu BIS și creditori comerciali


Banca Națională Elvețiană (SNB) a testat cu succes integrarea unei decontări angro în monedă digitală a băncii centrale (CBDC) cu băncile comerciale.

According to an announcement by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) on Thursday, the successful trial was a major part of the second phase of Project Helvetia that aims to integrate tokenized financial assets with mainstream markets.

The BIS joined five commercial banks — Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Citi, UBS, and Hypothekarbank Lenzburg — as well as the Swiss stock exchange platform SIX to carry out the test. In December 2020, the SNB stated plans to expand its digital currency trials to include commercial lenders.

The trial test which took place in Q4 2021 involved issuance, redemption, and the use of CBDCs for securities settlements both within and outside Switzerland. “A wholesale central bank digital currency (wCBDC) can be integrated with existing core banking systems and processes of commercial and central banks,” the BIS report stated.

În ciuda succesului fazei de testare, BNS a susținut că Proiectul Helvetia este doar un studiu experimental și că munca depusă nu este un indiciu al planurilor băncii centrale de a flota un CBDC angro.

Several central banks are currently studying or testing retail and wholesale CBDCs with global financial bodies like the BIS advocating for state-backed digital currencies as opposed to cryptocurrencies and privately-issued stablecoins.

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