Departamentul de Stat „regretă profund” că nu a conectat apelul lui Brittney Griner cu soția


A State Department spokesperson said Tuesday the agency “deeply regrets” preventing a call from WNBA star Brittney Griner—who has been detained in Russia on drug charges since February—with her wife Cherelle for their fourth anniversary, as the embassy wasn’t staffed to patch the call.


Cherelle Griner, who has not spoken to Brittney in the four months she’s been detained, told the Associated Press the Phoenix Mercury star tried to call her 11 times on Saturday over several hours, after securing Russian permission for the conversation.

A state spokesperson told Forbes on Tuesday the Griners were unable to speak because of a “logistical error.”

Secretarul de presă al Casei Albe, Karine Jean-Pierre a spus Tuesday the State Department is working to reschedule the call.

Cherelle Griner said she has “zero trust in our government right now,” saying if the agency can’t complete a simple call over a weekend, “how can I trust you to actually be negotiating on my wife’s behalf to come home?”

Cherelle Griner has repeatedly asked to meet with President Joe Biden about her wife’s case, but said “at this point it’s starting to feel like a no.”

Citat crucial

“Imagine the heartbreak. 123 days w/out hearing her voice. Holding out hope for a call. Finally getting that call, just to have it keep ringing,” Brittney Griner’s agent Lindsay Kagawa Colas tweeter about the incident. “My heart breaks into pieces every time I think of it – but it’s nothing compared to the reality BG and her family are enduring.”

Fundalul cheie

Griner was detained in Russia on drug charges in February when hashish oil was allegedly discovered in her luggage when entering the country to play there during the WNBA’s off-season. The U.S. considers her to be wrongfully detained. Last week, her pre-trial detention was extended until at least July 2. Several lawmakers and prominent people, including LeBron James, have called on Biden to secure Griner’s release as soon as possible.


Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Monday that Griner was detained for breaking Russia’s cannabis laws, and cannot be called a “hostage.”

Lecturi suplimentare

Kremlinul insistă că Brittney Griner nu este „ostatică” după ce și-a prelungit detenția pentru a treia oară (Forbes)

Se pare că detenția rusă a lui Brittney Griner a fost prelungită — din nou — până în iulie (Forbes)

LeBron James îi cere lui Biden să o aducă acasă pe Brittney Griner din Rusia (Forbes)
