Analiza prețului Ripple: XRP revine la 0.82 USD, un minim mai mare setat lent?

TL; Defalcare DR

  • Analiza prețului Ripple este astăzi optimistă.
  • XRP/USD a revenit peste noapte.
  • Some support found at $0.82.

Ripple price analysis is bullish today as we expect higher low to be set soon as the $0.82 mark currently offers support. Likely XRP/USD will reverse from there, and head to break further higher highs.

Ripple Price Analysis: XRP retraces to $0.82, higher low slowly set? 1
Harta de căldură a criptomonedelor. Sursa: Coin360

The cryptocurrency market has seen bearish momentum return over the last 24 hours. The market leaders, Bitcoin and Ethereum, both are in the red, with a mild loss of 1.31 and 1.15 percent. Meanwhile, Ripple has declined less, with a loss of just over 1 percent.

Ripple price movement in the last 24 hours: Ripple retraces from previous high at $0.865

XRP/USD traded in a range of $0.8241 – $0.8455, indicating mild volatility over the last 24 hours. Trading volume has increased by 24.31 percent, totaling $1.554 billion, while the total market cap trades around $39.46 billion, ranking the coin in 8th place overall.

XRP/USD 4-hour chart: XRP looks to set a higher low at $0.82?

On the 4-hour chart, we expect the Ripple price action to reverse soon as the market has retraced enough and is likely ready to break higher again.

Ripple Price Analysis: XRP retraces to $0.82, higher low set?
Grafic XRP / USD pe 4 ore. Sursa: TradingView

Ripple price has seen consolidation formed above $0.81 for the past days. After previously declining by around 20 percent, we have seen the end of the decline by the end of 2021.

A retest of the newly found support at $0.81 followed on Friday, leading to a quick reaction higher. Over the following days, XRP/USD slowly set a higher local high at $0.875, indicating bullish momentum forming.

Prin urmare, retragerea actuală probabil va stabili un minim mai ridicat în curând și va pregăti piața pentru următoarea mișcare mai sus. Următoarea țintă este văzută la 0.9 USD, ceea ce înseamnă că prețul Ripple ar putea vedea o mișcare puternică mai sus în cursul acestei săptămâni.

Analiza prețului Ripple: Concluzie 

Ripple price analysis is bullish today as we expect higher low to bet set as the retracement comes to an end. Likely XRP/USD is now ready to test further upside and will move towards the $0.9 next major resistance over the next days.

În timp ce așteptați ca Ripple să meargă mai departe, vedeți articolele noastre despre colectarea pierderilor fiscale cripto, serviciile ipotecare susținute de BTC și Pi Wallet.

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