Câștigătorii proiectelor TRON Grand Hackathon 2022 Sezonul 1 Plăți de reper finalizate

Geneva, Elveția, 12 iulie 2022, Chainwire

 TRON DAO și Lanț BitTorrent (BTTC) have announced the final portion of the milestone payments of the TRON Grand Hackathon 2022 Season 1 project winners have been completed. 

We’ve seen tremendous progress on all the projects building on TRON. Thank you to all the applicants who submitted their projects in the first season of the TRON Grand Hackathon, and another congratulation to the project winners in all four tracks in Web3, NFT, DEFI, and GameFi. 

In the Web3 track, contribute to the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 by introducing useful DAO tools and SocialFi dApps. In the NFT track, we encourage you to embrace the creator economy. In our DeFi track, leverage DeFi to offer convenient financial solutions to everyone. Lastly, for the GameFi track, it’s the next generation GameFi where entertainment meets blockchain

Here are some of the Season 1 winners in each track:

In the Web3 track, we have our first prize winner, dCloud by Cctechmx, where they created an Open Source Web3 Cloud storage mobile app enabling its ecosystem to enjoy a self-sustainable and shared economy. Includes a BTFS-powered Cloud Storage mobile app, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), Renter and Host capabilities, BTTC Wallet Manager, Terminal interface for advanced users, and debugging.

The second prize winner is GockeFi by the GockeFi team, and they are building the next disruptive app to help users manage their metaverse investments. By making it easy to track your expenses, earnings, NFTs, and total profit, they’ve turned your over-complicated spreadsheet into an all-in-one GUI.

For the NFT track, the first prize winner is VersacBrickSquad by TuruGlobal, a collection of DAOs investing in real estate assets, and jointly managing the assets based on the community’s votes. The platform provides a structure that makes Real Estate investment accessible for TRON users.

Our second prize winner is Cubie by Team Cubie, a community-driven NFT GameFi platform empowering users by rewarding them for their engagement and using innovative tokenomics. You can try their new game Cutie Bird aici.

In the DeFi track, the first prize winner is JustMoney Exchange by JustMoney, which allows crypto users to trade and offer cryptocurrencies on several chains. It also facilitates the creation of a payment system that will allow crypto users to purchase goods and services online using cryptocurrency.

The second prize winner is Up Stable Token eXperiment by USTX Team, which aims to bridge the gap between stablecoins and regular cryptocurrencies. USTX’s algorithm aims to reduce price volatility and protect investors’ value while providing consistent growth potential. Their long-term goal is to build an ecosystem around USTX that can support the worldwide adoption of the token.

Last but not least, in the GameFi track, the first prize winner is TronNinja Arcade by TronNinjas, where the mission is to digitalize the local Arcade and bring back an old art form in a new medium. It’s an NFT GameFi project on the TRON blockchain where you can play games such as Ninja Jump, Duck Shooter, Pinball, and Tetris, all while earning the in-game token TronNinjas Tokens (TNT).

Season 2 is underway with a $1 million prize pool and an already higher turnout. We’re coming up on the deadline quickly, so get your projects in as soon as possible. The final day is Monday, July 25, to submit for Season 2 of the TRON Grand Hackathon 2022.

Thank you to the participants and winners who have made this inaugural season of the Hackathon an outstanding success. 

Pentru eligibilitate, reguli, criterii și detalii suplimentare, vă rugăm să vizitați TRONDAO.org/hackathon, Forumul TRON DAO, și TRON.Devpost.com/rules.

Descrierea firmei TRON DAO

TRON este dedicat accelerării descentralizării internetului prin tehnologia blockchain și aplicații descentralizate (dApps). Fondată în septembrie 2017 de SE Justin Sun, rețeaua TRON a continuat să ofere realizări impresionante de la lansarea MainNet în mai 2018. Iulie 2018 a marcat și integrarea ecosistemului BitTorrent, un pionier în serviciile descentralizate Web3, cu peste 100 de milioane de utilizatori activi lunar. The Rețeaua TRON a câștigat o tracțiune incredibilă în ultimii ani. În iunie 2022, are peste 102 de milioane de conturi totale de utilizatori în blockchain, peste 3.5 miliarde de tranzacții totale și peste 11 miliarde de dolari în valoare totală blocată (TVL), după cum a raportat TRONSCAN. În plus, TRON găzduiește cea mai mare aprovizionare circulantă de Tether USD monedă stabilă (USDT) pe tot globul, depășind USDT pe Ethereum din aprilie 2021. Rețeaua TRON a finalizat descentralizarea completă în decembrie 2021 și este acum un DAO guvernat de comunitate. Cel mai recent, monedele stabile descentralizate supra-colateralizate USD a fost lansat pe blockchain-ul TRON, susținut de prima rezervă cripto pentru industria blockchain - Rezerva TRON DAO, marcând intrarea oficială a lui TRON în stablecoins descentralizate.

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Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/project-winners-of-the-tron-grand-hackathon-2022-season-1-milestone-payments-completed/