Analiza prețului Polkadot: DOT crește la 5.40 USD, în timp ce taurii fac o altă încercare de 5.50 USD

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  • Analiza prețului Polkadot sugerează o mișcare ascendentă la 5.70 USD
  • Cel mai apropiat nivel de asistență se află la 5.27 USD
  • DOT se confruntă cu rezistență la valoarea de 5.46 USD

Buline price analysis shows that the DOT price action has recovered back to the $5.40 mark as the bulls charge above. 

The broader cryptocurrency market observed a positive market sentiment over the last 24 hours as most major cryptocurrencies recorded negative price movements. Major players include ETH and XRP, recording an 6.90, and a 4.26 percent incline, respectively.

Analiza prețului Polkadot: DOT revine la 5.40 USD

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Indicatori tehnici pentru DOT / USDT după Tradingview

MACD este în prezent optimist, așa cum este exprimat în culoarea verde a histogramei. Cu toate acestea, indicatorul arată un impuls urcesc scăzut, exprimat în înălțimea scăzută a histogramei. Pe de altă parte, nuanța mai întunecată a histogramei sugerează un impuls crescător și indică faptul că prețul se îndreaptă în sus.

The EMAs are currently trading close to the mean position as net price movement over the last ten days remains low. However, as the two EMAs diverge and move upwards, the buying activity is bound to rise. Currently, the 12-EMA is leading the run toward the mean line suggesting an increasing bullish activity in the markets.  

The RSI has been trading in the neutral region for some time but it was trading below the mean level for the past few days. Now, the index has risen up and continues moving upwards as it trades at 57.95 at press time. The indicator issues no signals while the upwards slope shows bullish pressure.

The Bollinger Bands were narrow until yesterday but the sharp price movement from the $5.07 to the current Nivel de 5.40 $ has caused them to expand. At press time, the indicator’s bottom line provides support at $5.08 while the upper limit presents a resistance level at $5.46.

Analize tehnice pentru DOT/USDT

Per total, cele 4 ore Pretul Polkadot analiza emite un semnal de cumpărare, 13 dintre cei 26 de indicatori tehnici majori susținând tauri. Pe de altă parte, patru dintre indicatori susțin urșii care arată o prezență scăzută la urs în ultimele ore. În același timp, nouă indicatori stau pe gard și nu susțin niciuna dintre părțile pieței. 

The 24-hour Polkadot price analysis does not share this sentiment and issues a sell signal with 11 indicators suggesting a downward movement against five indicators suggesting an upwards movement. The analysis shows bearish dominance across the mid-term charts while low buying pressure for the asset across the same timeframe. Meanwhile, ten indicators remain neutral and do not issue any signals at press time

La ce să vă așteptați de la analiza prețurilor Polkadot?

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Diagrama prețurilor pe 4 ore de Tradingview

The Polkadot price analysis shows that the bearish pressure that caused the price to fall to $5.00 has mostly evaporated as the bulls are trying to make another attempt at the $5.50 level

Traders should expect DOT to move up toward the $5.50 mark where the key resistance lies. Traders should expect a bullish breakout to the $5.70 region as the mid-term technicals show a shift towards a bullish market. However, in case of a rejection, the price can be expected to drop to the $5.00 level continuing the consolidation. 
