Pantera Capital COO pleacă după doar două luni cu firma

Samir Shah a demisionat din funcția de director de operațiuni la Pantera Capital după doar două luni în funcție, potrivit profilului său LinkedIn.

Shah only joined the firm in July, having spent nearly 13 years at the investment bank JPMorgan, most recently serving as head of asset management sales. Pantera Capital is a crypto-focused venture capital and hedge fund with over $4.7 billion in assets under management, according to its website. The fund recently also lost its general counsel, Joe Cisewski. 

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero announced on July 26 that Cisewski was joining the agency as chief of staff and senior counsel. Cisewski previously worked for the CFTC under former Commissioner Mark Wetjen.

Earlier in the summer, Pantera made headlines as it cashed out nearly 80% of its investment in the Terra ecosystem before the TerraUSD stablecoin collapsed at the beginning of May. More recently, in July, the firm co-led a seed round in NFT fraud fighters Optic with Kleiner Perkins.

Pantera Capital nu a răspuns imediat solicitării de comentarii din partea The Block, nici Shah nu a răspuns imediat când a fost contactat pe LinkedIn.

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Despre autor

Adam Morgan este reporterul piețelor The Block. El a avut sediul la Londra în ultimul an, inițial lucrând independent și lucrând pentru un start-up acolo, înainte de a începe o bursă la Business Insider. El trimitează pe Twitter la AdamMcMarkets
