Microverse ar putea avea mai mult potențial decât Metaverse

CEO of Party.Space has stated Microverse Experiences to be the future of Metaverse.

  • Metaverse is a virtual world with 3D figures of almost every possible object and focused on social connections. 
  • Big names across various industries and tech giants are considering Metaverse and doing their best to be a part of it.
  • Recently in a post from Dog Temple, its founder claimed that in the emerging virtual world, Microverse would be crucially important.

Who’s proposing Microverse? Is it something real or just a Gimmick

Yurii Filipchuk, founder and CEO of Party.Space, a virtual party platform, says that Web 3 creators should put their efforts into exploring the ways to interact online instead of just building more and more big Metaverse and selling objects and land there. From the current situation where we consider the Metaverse to be the future, Yurii believes that ‘Microverse’ can be the future of the Metaverse.

Microverse definition as coined by its proposers

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Microverse is an idea of a connected, shared network among each online community to form a Metaverse. Latter is a big open world where everyone will get everything there, inside which Microvcerse will create a customized miniature world consisting of communities, ideas and trends. 


About Party.Space

The Party.Space platform launched in May 2020, which has the idea of gamifying then getting widespread video calls or chats. Fundamental behind the platform followed the trail where the situations were made up due to Covid-19 and lockdown after that. Gatherings and conferences had shifted to online mode via video chats options, and we have seen platforms like Zoom and Meet emerging at that time. Initially, they were needed, but now they are considered normal due to the paradigm shift, majorly due to restricted lockdown situations.

One step further from these online gatherings, to make them more engaging and entertaining Party.Space launched, which brought many exciting features and just a video chat. Soon the platform became famous among corporates due to its interface and usage. Today, it has more than 65 clients for various tasks, hosting conferences, organizing parties such as on year-end, workshops and several team-building events. 

The CEO of Party.Space stated that due to its convenience, Virtual events are here to stay for very long, and it’s even so much more fun and interesting than just a regular video chat over Zoom or any other application.

Yuri’s contribution regarding Microverse development

For the sake of his contribution to Microverse, Filipchuk created ‘Doge Temple,’ which is a virtual space for Doge meme fans to socialize. It was launched in November 2021 on the platform of Party.Space itself.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/01/28/microverse-might-have-more-potential-than-metaverse/