Compus a intrat în modelul de afaceri CeFi folosind protocolul DeFi

  • Financial users can borrow loans by depositing USD or USDC as security. 
  • Financial institutions can earn up to four percent annual interest. 

Compound este un protocol descentralizat de împrumut peer-to-peer care și-a extins recent împrumuturile utilizatorilor și instituțiilor financiare care își depun activele ca garanție.

Vicepreședintele GM Compound, Reid Cuming, a subliniat că băncile recunoscute ar putea scoate „USD sau USDC” cu o rată fixă ​​începând de la 6% DAE.  

Authorized institutions can use ERC-20 digital assets, including ethers and bitcoin, as a security deposit to borrow loans in the form of USD at a fixed interest rate of six percent annually. Repayments are not mandatory as long as their loans remain over-collateralized.  

Compound treasury was established over a year ago with a motto to act as a bridge for non-crypto fintech institutions to deliver the core benefits of DEFI to the next billion users.   

Robert Leshner, the founder of Compound Finance, highlighted his statement: “At this time, financial companies’ clients and banks can deposit US dollars into their Compound Treasury accounts and earn up to four percent interest annually.”    

Leshner added, “Now, in addition to accepting dollars and paying institutions a yield, we’re going to allow institutions to borrow from Compound Treasury.”  

Leshner said, “A rating agency monitors compound Treasury and recently received a B-credit rating from S&P, giving it an “external source of accountability.”

Extending his statement, Leshner mentioned that “Client collateral would not be rehypothecated, ideally preventing Celsius-like incidents from reoccuring.” 

He said, “If there are more customers supplying liquidity to Compus Treasury than there are borrowers, we put the excess in the Compound Protocol.” “Then when there’s more borrower demand, then there are customers providing liquidity and earning yield, we will source liquidity from the Compound Protocol.”

La începutul lunii august 2022, Compound a anunțat lansarea „Compound III”, o nouă versiune „raționalizată” a protocolului său. 

Conform datelor de la CoinMarketCap, în timpul scrierii acestui articol, simbolul Compound (COMP) se tranzacționează la 54.43 USD cu o capitalizare de piață de 395,595,183 USD. 

Nancy J. Allen
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