Dosare CoinFLEX pentru restructurare în instanța din Seychelles: Bloomberg

Crypto exchange CoinFLEX has filed for restructuring in Seychelles, Bloomberg a raportat marți. 

CoinFLEX announced the restructuring process in emails to customers on Tuesday. “It will seek approval from depositors and court on a proposal to issue depositors with rvUSD tokens, equity, and locked FLEX Coin,” Bloomberg said.

„Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să primim un nou grup de acționari la CoinFLEX și suntem bucuroși să ne aflăm într-o jurisdicție în care putem rezolva rapid această situație și putem returna valoare maximă deponenților”, a declarat CEO-ul CoinFLEX, Mark Lamb, pentru Bloomberg. 

The restructuring motion was filed as the company sought to “resolve a shortfall due to a counterparty failing to make a margin call,” according to the Bloomberg report.   

CoinFLEX suspendată withdrawals on June 23, citing “extreme market conditions and continued uncertainty involving a counterparty.” Several days later, Lamb accused investor Roger Ver of defaulting on a loan agreement worth $47 million in USDC. But Ver denied the accusation, saying he was the one owed money. 

CoinFLEX has partially resumed withdrawals. The company announced in a July 14 blog post that it would allow users to withdraw up to 10% of their balance.

The company laid off a “significant” number of its team last month in a bid to reduce costs by 50-60%. 

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