Cake DeFi introduce un nou produs „Împrumuta”, permițând utilizatorilor să-și maximizeze rentabilitatea

28 aprilie 2022 – Singapore, Singapore

Tort DeFi, a Singapore-based fintech platform that makes DeFi (decentralized finance) services and applications accessible to everyone, is thrilled to introduce a new product called ‘Borrow’ to give its users novel opportunities to strengthen their crypto portfolios and potentially boost their returns.

Noul produs permite utilizatorilor să împrumute USD descentralizat (DUSD) prin gajarea Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC) și DFI ca garanție. Utilizatorii pot folosi o combinație a acestor criptomonede ca garanție, atâta timp cât cel puțin 50% din garanție este DFI.

The borrowed DUSD can be used to purchase items or invest in products that generate passive income such as Cake DeFi’s lending, staking and liquidity mining, where returns north of 70% annual percentage rate (APR) are rather the norm than the exception. Borrow gives users a better option than just HODLing by providing them with liquidity that they can put toward generating predictable passive income.

Dr. Julian Hosp, co-founder and CEO of Cake DeFi, said,

“We are excited to launch Borrow to provide users with more liquidity to invest in DeFi services while holding on to their assets. DeFi empowers people to generate passive income on their cryptocurrencies without the constant need to trade. It is our goal at Cake DeFi to keep bringing such innovative services to our users.”

Cake DeFi is a fully transparent, highly innovative and regulated global fintech platform with over $1 billion in customer assets. It empowers its user base, spanning over 700,000 registered users and fast-growing to earn cash flow from their digital asset investments.

Utilizatorii se pot împrumuta USD descentralizat (DUSD) cu existenta lor Bitcoin (BTC), Eter (ETH) Tether (USDT), Moneda USD (USDC) și DFI as collateral at a pre-set collateralization ratio of 200% and five percent APR (subject to change).

Just like any other stablecoin, the DUSD can be used to purchase items or for investment purposes, such as participating in Cake DeFi’s lending, staking and liquidity mining (either directly or by swapping to other coins).

Cake DeFi has experienced tremendous growth in 2021. A total of $230 million was paid out to customers as rewards in 2021 $75 million of it in the final quarter. In the near term, Cake DeFi’s immediate priorities are to continue growing its customer base as it aims to reach $10 billion in total customer assets by the end of 2022.

Despre Cake DeFi

Cake DeFi este o platformă fintech complet transparentă, extrem de inovatoare și reglementată, dedicată furnizării de acces la servicii și aplicații financiare descentralizate, permițând utilizatorilor să genereze profituri din activele lor cripto și digitale. Este operat și înregistrat în Singapore și este pe deplin în conformitate cu toate cerințele de reglementare ale Autorității Monetare din Singapore (MAS).

By enabling and empowering its users to harness the potential of decentralized finance (DeFi), Cake DeFi aims to educate and inform people around the world on crypto and DeFi in a simple, easy to understand and hassle-free manner. The company has launched a ‘learn-and-earn’ program for new users to understand the basics of crypto and be rewarded with crypto for the completion of the course.


Leticia Chua

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