Tendința de urs trage NEO la minim 8.50 USD

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Harta termică a prețurilor criptomonedelor, Sursa: Coin360

Pret neo analysis reveals the cryptocurrency was continuing the downslide again today after a brief respite yesterday. NEO/USD is currently trading at $8.50 after hitting a low of $8.40 earlier today. The bearish trend has pulled the price down from yesterday’s high of $8.67. The support at $8.40 is holding well so far, but the bears will likely test it again. The 24-hour trading volume has spiked to $24 million, and the market capitalization is at $599 million.

Acțiunea prețului NEO pe un grafic zilnic al prețului: Urșii creează presiune pe măsură ce prețurile scad sub 8.50 USD

Ziua 1 Pret neo analysis shows that a further decrease in the price has been noted again today as the price has devalued to $8.50 at the time of writing. NEO shows a loss in price value amounting to 1.02 percent, which may increase over time as the price levels continue to recede. However, support is also present nearby at $8.40, which is the first defense line for bulls. The Moving Average (MA) is standing close to the current price as well as it is at the $8.56 level, which is an indication that the market trend is likely to head in a sideways direction momentarily before a breakout or breakdown may occur.

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Sursa: TradingView

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 41.97 and is sloping downwards, which suggests that the selling pressure might continue to dominate the market in the near term. The volatility, on the other hand, is increasing, which is also a negative indication for the Neo future. The higher and lower values of the Bollinger bands are settled at the following points; the upper value is at $8.67, while the lower value is at $8.40.

NEO/USD 4-hour price chart: Bears overcome Bullish efforts to stimulate a downward trend

The 4-hour Neo price analysis shows that the price breakout was downwards at the start of today’s trading session, and the price has traveled down to $8.50 during the last four hours. Yet no traces of any bullish activity has been observed as bears are gripping the market at the moment.

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Sursa: TradingView

Volatilitatea pe graficul de 4 ore este, de asemenea, ridicată, dar acum indicatorul pare să ia o erupție descendentă, ceea ce sugerează o pierdere suplimentară a valorii prețului în următoarele ore. banda superioară este la 8.63 USD, iar banda inferioară la 8.46 USD. Media medie a benzilor Bollinger se formează la pragul de 8.51 USD, care se tranzacționează peste valoarea MA. RSI arată o mișcare descendentă la indicele 50.95, ceea ce sugerează presiunea de vânzare pe piață; cu toate acestea, presiunea a scăzut în ultimele ore, deoarece curba nu este abruptă acum.

Concluzia analizei de preț neo

The given daily and hourly Neo price analysis is reporting that a bearish activity has occurred today as well. The price levels have moved down to $8.50, which has been a significant loss for cryptocurrency’s market value. Although the bulls tried to make a comeback in the past few hours, their efforts have gone in vain as the price has experienced a decline today. Price levels can be preserved only if the support is retained at the $8.40 level.

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Sursa: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/neo-price-analysis-2022-09-25/