Bahamas aprobă lichidatori provizorii pentru activele FTX

“Given the magnitude, urgency, and international implications of the unfolding events with regard to FTX, the Commission recognized that it had to, and moved swiftly to use its regulatory powers under the Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges Act, 2020 (“DARE Act”) to further protect the interests of clients, creditors, and other stakeholders globally of FTX Digital Markets Ltd. (FDM),” the Commission a spus.

The multijurisdictional nature of the FTX situation — which involves FTX Digital Markets LTd., FTX Trading Ltd., Alameda Research Ltd., and others — was also noted in the release, where the Bahamian authorities share expectations “to engage with other supervisory authorities on a regulator-to-regulator basis.”

The news follows Sunday’s release from the Royal Bahamas Police Force, which comun that a team of financial investigators from its Financial Crimes Investigation Branch are investigating if any criminal misconduct occured.

FTX filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. on Friday.
