Analiza prețului avalanșă: AVAX scade la 27.9 USD menținând dinamica optimistă

Astăzi Pret avalanșă analysis shows a partial bearish trend gaining momentum with further bullish possibilities. AVAX/USD is currently trading at $27.9, down 5.64% in the past 24 hours, with a trading volume of $856,725,084. The market capped yesterday in a crashing momentum and is opening today with hopeful bullish signs adding to yesterday’s spike above the $28 mark. In addition, the volatility decreases, giving the bulls more opportunity for a tremendous comeback. The live market cap of AVAX is $7,923,202,426, and it ranks #12 in the cryptocurrency rankings.

Analiză de 4 ore AVAX/USD: cele mai recente evoluții

Avalanche price analysis indicates market volatility following a decreasing trend, which means AVAX/USD prices are decreasingly prone to fluctuating volatility. The Bollinger’s band’s upper limit is $29.8, which acts as the most substantial resistance for AVAX. Conversely, the lower limit for the Bollinger’s band is available at $25.2, which serves as the most vital support for AVAX.

Prețul AVAX/USD pare să treacă sub curba mediei mobile, ceea ce înseamnă o mișcare de urs. Drept urmare, urșii au avut grijă de piață în ultimele ore și își vor menține impulsul. Cu toate acestea, prețul pare să arate o dinamică în creștere prin deplasarea către rezistență; tendința s-ar putea schimba în curând la una pozitivă dacă taurii își joacă cărțile corect.

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Graficul prețului pe 4 ore AVAX/USD Sursa: TradingView

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is 57, which puts cryptocurrency in a stable state. However, we can trace the RSI following an upward path in the upper neutral region, indicating the dominance of buying activity. If the RSI decides to move further towards a dominant buying activity era, a reversal movement will become inevitable, and the bulls will have their chance at glory once again.

Analiza prețului de avalanșă pentru 1 zi

Avalanche price analysis shows market volatility following an inclining trend, indicating that the probability of AVAX/USD experiencing fluctuations increases. The upper limit of the Bollinger band is present at $28.3, which acts as the most substantial resistance for AVAX. Conversely, the lower limit for the Bollinger band is $20.3, which is the strongest support for AVAX.

The price of AVAX/USD appears to be crossing over the Moving Average curve, indicating a bullish move. However, the market’s direction may seem to remain consistent over the last few days. Bulls have taken the market, which weakens the stance of the bears. However, the AVAX/USD price attempts to break the resistance band, indicating a possible breakout in the market. This may cause an imbalance in power in the cryptocurrency market.

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Graficul prețului pe o zi AVAX/USD Sursa: TradingView

Avalanche price analysis reveals that the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is 68, indicating an inflated cryptocurrency. Furthermore, the price appears to have found a stable point and anchored itself to that point; however, the point lies in the overvalued region, and the price will be forced to move from it sooner or later. The RSI follows a linear path exhibiting signs of the cryptocurrencys’ stable value, a movement towards stability, and equivalent buying and selling activities.

Analiza prețului avalanșă Concluzie

Concluzia analizei prețului Avalanche indică faptul că comportamentul criptomonedei sugerează că urmează o tendință parțială de urs cu potențial masiv de inversare. Piața a căzut recent sub dominație de urs, dar pare să nu fie suficient de competentă pentru a o menține. Cu toate acestea, ei au înghițit deja piața, iar taurii sunt pe frânghii chiar acum, dar ar putea prelua cu asalt în zilele următoare dacă profită de erupție.

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