Sursele de date autentice câștigă acțiune alături de criptosferă

Cryptocurrencies have not yet come to the mainstream but it has attracted a lot of users across the globe. With over 22K digital assets in this industry, it becomes difficult to track the statistics including price, volume, transaction fees and more. The website allows people to easily navigate through various factors associated with the virtual currency of their choice.

The platform offers a variety of data to users, eliminating time they consume while going through several web pages. Moreover, people can see trending virtual currencies alongside the latest token audits. It also provides price predictions of up to 8 years in case an individual is wondering what will happen to its price in future.

Inafara de statisticile monedei the data aggregator delivers social metrics like how many posts are circling on the platform, total followers, average comments and more. This can help the technophiles interested in cryptocurrencies to understand which virtual currency the internet community is talking about the most.

There are several crypto exchanges around the world where the users can easily trade virtual currencies. The website offers a list of such platforms where a certain coin or token is trading alongside its volume on the specific crypto asset. Bitcoin and Ethereum remain the leading virtual assets listed on the majority of platforms.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have labeled the space as “financial wild west” considering the risk associated with the sector. 2022 saw some of the biggest frauds in the industry with hackers stealing around $625 Million from Axie Infinity’s Ronin Bridge. A report shows that a total of $3 Billion was stolen from the cryptosphere.

Nobody wants to invest in an obscure project where they may lose their funds. The website tracks some of the most trusted ecosystems in the industry. SAND holds a trust score of 92 according to CertiK, a web3 security provider, ranking the token at no. 5 with 9 audits.

ApeCoin, the native token of the Bored Ape ecosystem, has a trust score of 90 with a couple of audits. Moreover, the project has a healthy market and community score of 95 and security score of 90. Shiba Inu, one of the most popular meme coins, holds a trust score of 95.

Aptos, a L-1 blockchain network, had no no 8 audits according to CertiK with a trust score of 93. Axie Infinity, a blockchain based P2E game, has an excellent audit score of 90, thanks to the community and security scores at 94 and 89. Chiliz, a virtual currency associated with sports and entertainment, is among the most trusted digital currencies.

The website offers coin stats of several other crypto assets. The platform makes it easier even for the newbies to understand the metrics associated with virtual currencies. Cryptosphere has not gone mainstream but it has attracted a lot of investors in the past few years.

As more people enter this market, they will seek first sources of information and data of digital assets that catch their eyes. This is where the platform will help the user trace the sector flawlessly.

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