The Shine vine de la „Ethereum-Killer” Solana

roberts pe antetul cripto

The last year brought the rise of several so-called “Ethereum killers” but the most prominent of these has been Solana, a blockchain that promises to deliver the best of Ethereum but faster and at a fraction of the cost. Solana’s spectacular rise, which has seen it vault into the top ten coins, has come from its spiffy technology and also from a certain celebrity pixie dust sprinkled by the likes of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried and others.

Dar în ultima vreme, Solana a început să iasă din strălucire, deoarece blockchain-ul parvenit a fost afectat de o serie de probleme.

The most recent came this week when a hacker exploited a cross-chain bridge called Wormhole, making off with $320 million worth of wrapped Ethereum in the process. A analiza criminalistică Cercetătorii de la Paradigm au dezvăluit că hack-ul a apărut din cauza unui defect în interfața Solana cu Wormhole.

The stolen funds were not exactly chump change, and people blasted Solana for neglecting the security side of Vitalik Buterin’s famous “Blockchain Trilemma.” And they have a point. Solana is in the big leagues now, and hackers should not be able to waltz away with $320 million.

The episode was smoothed thanks to the Chicago investment firm Jump Capital swooping in and donating enough ETH to offset the stolen funds. Jump’s unexpected gesture helped to calm markets after Solana’s SOL token plunged following the hack, but it also served to highlight another issue with the blockchain: the outsize role of venture capitalists’ involvement with the project.

Puține blockchain-uri, în afară de Bitcoin, sunt atât de descentralizate pe cât pretind că sunt, dar alocarea de token-uri a lui Solana este mai mult alocată investitorilor profesioniști decât majoritatea. Informațiile recently reported how Solana insiders have reaped billions in the last year, while a YouTube video is circulating that shows two billionaire VCs chortling over how much SOL they own (“Solana Billionaire VCs Are Laughing At You”). The upshot of all this is that retail SOL buyers are likely to get hosed when token lock-up periods expire and the professionals dump their bags on the open market.

Solana nu este singurul lanț în care investitorii fat cat își fac bancă în detrimentul credincioșilor obișnuiți în cripto, dar încă nu este un aspect grozav.

Meanwhile, Solana is also struggling with congestion on its blockchain. In recent weeks, traders have complained that Solana has become sluggish as the chain gets overloaded with spam and bots. This too is a familiar complaint in the crypto world but in this case is ironic since Solana’s boosters regularly boast about its speed.

Pune toate acestea laolaltă — breșa de securitate, alocarea de tokenuri cu o cantitate mare de VC, lanțul aglomerat — și este greu să o vezi pe Solana în aceeași lumină proaspătă care i-a făcut pe toți să se îndrăgostească de ea în 2021 (inclusiv decriptaţi, which named it “Coin of the Year”).

Nonetheless, the news isn’t all negative. For this would-be “Ethereum killer,” all of its recent trials reflect the same growing pains experienced by another famous chain that suffered a disastrous hack, squabbles over governance, and complaints about network congestion. You probably know that chain—it’s called Ethereum.

Asta e Roberts pe Crypto, o rubrică de weekend a editorului șef Decrypt Daniel Roberts și a editorului executiv Decrypt Jeff John Roberts. Înscrieți-vă la buletinul informativ prin e-mail Decrypt Debrief pentru a-l primi în căsuța de e-mail în fiecare sâmbătă. Și citește coloana din weekendul trecut: Diem a murit, dar Facebook nu a terminat cu Crypto.
