Contractul de depozit Ethereum 2.0 lovește ATH pe măsură ce investițiile cresc

Mai multe investiții continuă să se scurgă în contractul de depozit Ethereum 2.0, având în vedere că numărul de ETH mizați crește. (46) .jpg

Furnizorul de informații despre piață Glassnode a explicat:

”Total value in the ETH 2.0 deposit contract just reached an ATH of 12,777,045 ETH.”


Sursa: Glassnode


Ethereum 2.0, or the Beacon Chain, which was recently renamed the consensus layer, was a lansat in December 2020 and was regarded as a game-changer that sought to transit the current Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) framework.


Trecerea de la a POW to a PoS consensus mechanism called the merge is speculated to be the biggest software upgrade in the Ethereum ecosystem and the proof-of-stake algorithm will allow the confirmation of blocks in a more energy-efficient way. 


Therefore, validators will stake Ether instead of solving a cryptographic puzzle. 


The number of validators is also edging closer to the 400k mark. Glassnode recunoscut:

“Over 12.764M ETH has been staked by 398k unique validators. This is 10.73% of the circulating supply. Since 1-May, 19.8k additional validators have come online and staked.”

Ethereum researcher Justin Drake recently divulgate that the merge was expected in August because testing was in the final stages. 


The merge is usually regarded as a game-changer that will give the Ethereum network a new face because it is expected to enhance scalabilitate through upgrades like sharding.


Furthermore, it is anticipated to strengthen Ethereum’s quest as a deflationary asset because the second-largest cryptocurrency’s value is speculated to increase based on slashed supply. 


Meanwhile, Arthur Hayes, the ex-CEO of crypto exchange BitMEX, a comentat that Ethereum is on its way to $10,000 by the end of the year because the merge will be the tipping point, putting the second-largest currency ahead of the game.


Hayes pointed out that the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism will make Ethereum a “currency bond” or commodity-based compared to Bitcoin

Sursa imaginii: Shutterstock
