Expertul în criptografii identifică nivelul cheie al prețului Ethereum de menținut pentru a ajunge la 1,500 USD

Ca piata de criptare continues to switch between green and red after a difficult few weeks, Ethereum (ETH) is making small daily gains, leading crypto experts to identify crucial levels for these modest increases to continue.

Într-adevăr, Ethereum is facing crucial rezistenţă at around $1,200-$1,2500, which it needs to break in order to push toward the first price target at $1,336 and the second at $1,547, according to an analiză langa cripto-tranzacționare expert Michaël van de Poppe, published on November 24.

După cum a adăugat:

“Preferably want to see it sustain above $1,150.”

Analiza acțiunii prețului Bitcoin. Sursă: Micha «l van de Poppe

Merită menționat și faptul că Bitcoincenter-ul Ethereum rainbow chart had earlier încălcat the ‘Fire sale’ spot, the lowest band on the chart, last recorded in March 2020, as it was left without any lined-up catalysts that could trigger a urcarea alerga.

Low price = chance to accumulate?

Meanwhile, the current price of Ethereum seems to have captured the attention of shark and balenă investors (holding between 100 and 100,000 ETH), as they have been acumularea at the most significant rate in two years.

Ethereum sharks’ and whales’ accumulation. Source: Santiment

On top of that, the crypto community remains bullish on the price of Ethereum by the year’s end, estimarea it would trade at an average of $1,465 on December 31, 2022, although this is a slightly lower prediction than the one raportate mai devreme by Finbold, which stood at $1,509.

Analiza prețurilor Ethereum

At press time, Ethereum was approaching Van de Poppe’s resistance zone, trading at $1,195, up 2.33% on the day. However, it was still down 0.39% across the previous week, adding up to the cumulative loss of 11.56% on the monthly chart.

Graficul prețului Ethereum pe 7 zile. Sursă: finbold

With its market capitalization standing at $146.18 billion, Ethereum retains the position of the second-largest decentralized finance (DEFI) token, second only to Bitcoin (BTC), as per CoinMarketCap date preluate de Finbold pe 24 noiembrie.

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