Alchemy anunță achiziția platformei educaționale Ethereum ChainShot


Alchemy, a blockchain development company, has acquired ChainShot, an educational platform. ChainShot provides support to Web3 developers to position themselves in the crypto space. 

The acquisition is a first for Alchemy, also known as the “AWS for blockchain.” The company is looking at it as a “major step towards free access to high-quality Web3 education.”

Alchemy has refused to reveal the financial details of the deal. As part of the acquisition, ChainShot courses that earlier were priced around $3,000 will be available for free, said the company’s developer relations lead, Elan Halpern, in a statement. 

ChainShot was introduced in 2018 as a winning hackathon project at ETH Denver. In the same year, Cody McCabe and Dan Nolan sensed that an educational aspect was missing in the space. 

McCabe shared that they grabbed the opportunity to develop a platform. Their major focus currently lies in improving that and finding ways to collaborate with Web2 developers in the Web3 space. 

What’s in the Future for ChainShot? 

ChaiShot is offering courses and an Ethereum developer boot camp covering blockchain fundamentals such as learning the Solidity programming language using digital signatures, cryptographic hashes, and decentralized oracles. It is also important to note that a minimum knowledge base is required before developers reach the level where they can learn advanced concepts. 

The company has also revealed that it has witnessed massive growth over the last four years. The growth has accelerated dramatically in the last 12 months. The enrollments have almost tripled since January 2022.  

Meanwhile, the alumni are working with prominent blockchain projects and companies, including security firm OpenZeppelin and NFT marketplace OpenSea. Halpern added the firm will be constantly hiring people with the wave of “incredible talent” entering the space. 

Further, he said the firm’s ultimate goal is to make the development process easy for Web3 developers and also to help me in getting the education. 
