Cine este sau a fost Satoshi Nakamoto? – cripto.știri

It is not known who Satoshi Nakamoto was or is. Also, no one has proof of whether Satoshi is a male or female person as the name is a pseudo. However, the crypto space refers to Satoshi Nakamoto as a man since his P2P foundation profile claimed he was. It is also unknown if Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudo name for an individual or a group. Currently, his nationality or whereabouts are also unknown.

However, some details about him are known. Here is some of the critical information about Satoshi Nakamoto.

Recesiunea economică globală din 2007 l-a determinat pe Satoshi Nakamoto să inventeze un sistem monetar dincolo de controlul entităților centralizate. El a început să scrie primele coduri pentru proiectul Bitcoin folosind C++ în mai 2007. În august 2008, Satoshi a terminat aproape munca sa și a trimis un e-mail la doi cypherpunk, Wei Dai și Hal Finney, solicitând feedback cu privire la cartea sa inițială BTC. Cei doi indivizi au verificat postul și au oferit feedback pozitiv.

In October, Satoshi published the Bitcoin white paper through a public cryptography mailing list. The response to his mailing was muted. However, some people were intrigued by the ingenuity of the upcoming project. In January 2009, he officially launched Bitcoin with an open-source codebase. 

The project did not attract much attention at the time. Eager and respected coders like Hal Finney inspected the program and provided their technical analysis. Mostly, Satoshi was the only active BTC miner. He continued perfecting his project until it gained a community of followers. However, he did not bother to unmask his identity. Below is some information on who he could be.

Care este naționalitatea lui Nakamoto?

Though some have interacted with Satoshi Nakamoto virtually, no one has ever met him in person to explain who he really is. All attributes drawn on him and his ideologies are based on the virtual communications between him and other developers. 

Satoshi Vanished in 2010, about a year after the successful launch of Bitcoin. Shortly before leaving his Nakamoto identity behind, he handed the reins to Gavin Andresen. 

În ceea ce se crede a fi ultimul său mesaj, Nakamoto a spus că „a trecut la alte lucruri” și că Bitcoin era „pe mâini bune cu Gavin [Andresen] și cu toată lumea”.

While conversing with other developers, Satoshi Nakamoto claimed to have Japanese origins. Records further state that he was born on April 5, 1975. However, he never provided any tangible evidence to support his claims. He did not even confirm his gender status. 

Lazlo Hanyescz Explains His Encounters With Satoshi Nakamoto

Unii dintre primii dezvoltatori BTC, cum ar fi Lazlo Hanyecz, care a schimbat sute de e-mailuri cu Satoshi, au explicat mai multe despre el. Lazlo, cunoscut sub numele de Bitcoin Pizza Guy, susține că Satoshi l-a făcut să aibă un sentiment ciudat. Mai jos este cum îl explică pe Satoshi ca:

Lazlo explained that Satoshi always dodged personal questions to keep his identity hidden. He worked closely with Satoshi on the Bitcoin project and is well known for being among the first people to use the Bitcoin network. In 2010, he even purchased two Pizzas for 10K BTC.

In an interview with Business Insider, Lazlo spoke of Satoshi as a mysterious individual who always had a weird way of life. He claimed that it would take days and even weeks for Satoshi to reply to his emails only to address them all in a single Friday. He said that Satoshi tended to send him tasks to complete as if he was a full-time employee against his volunteer status.

A explicat:

„Nakamoto îmi trimitea e-mailuri de genul „Hei, poți remedia această eroare? Hei, poți să faci asta? El ar spune: „Hei, partea de vest este în jos”. Sau, „Avem aceste bug-uri; trebuie să reparăm asta. Aș spune: „Noi? Nu suntem o echipă. Aș spune: „Hei, nu ești șeful meu”. Totuși, nu am luat-o prea în serios.”

Lazlo explained that he did not feel like the project mattered the most to Satoshi as his tendencies pointed out that he could be working on other projects.

According to Lazlo, Satoshi maintained a secretive identity throughout their exploits. He was never willing to give away information regarding his personal life. Satoshi went to be very hard to relate to any belief, opinion, identity, ideology, or such attributes. However, his eccentric and slightly neurotic Asian characteristics stuck throughout their exploits.

Even though Satoshi kept pushing Lazlo to take Bitcoin cautiously, Lazlo brushed it off since the project was only a hobby to him. He also wanted to help the inventor realize his dream of launching BTC.

Describing his encounter with Satoshi, Lazlo said:

“There were a few times when I got messages that seemed off-base. I brushed them off because ‘Who cares if this guy tells me to go pound sand and go away?’ This wasn’t my job or anything; it was a hobby. I was trying to be friends with him. He seemed very paranoid about people breaking the software. He kept calling it ‘pre-release,’ and I was helping him get it to release.”

Lazlo explained that despite Satoshi’s eccentricity, he was right to be paranoid about what would become of the project. Satoshi took many secretive measures that shaped Bitcoin into what it is today. He conceded that were it not for Satoshi’s caution, the network would have ended up very differently.

Nakamoto’s Association With Other Developers

Satoshi Nakamoto a arătat că crede în comunism, deoarece a implicat alți dezvoltatori în dezvoltarea rețelei Bitcoin. În afară de a lucra cu Lazlo Hanyescz, a solicitat și servicii de la programatori cunoscuți precum Hal Finney și Wei Dai.

De asemenea, i-a încredințat rețeaua lui Gavin Andresen în aprilie 2011 înainte de a se îndepărta de ea. Explorările sale cu acești dezvoltatori au lăsat în urmă urme de informații despre el. Aceste informații au fost în principal prin e-mailuri pe care unii dezvoltatori le-au dezvăluit mai târziu.

Leaked Emails 

Several emails from Satoshi have been leaked over time. One of his last emails was addressed to a developer named Mike Hearn. Satoshi answers whether he would be rejoining the Bitcoin community again in the email. He claimed that he had other things in mind, and the project was in good hands with Gavin Andresen and everyone.

Till now, no one has ever heard from Satoshi again. 

Inspirațiile Lui

În mod obișnuit, toată lumea are motivații atunci când vine cu ceva sau desfășoară activități speciale. Deși se știe că motivația sa principală a fost să înceapă o epocă a descentralizării, cartea albă Bitcoin detaliază alte surse de inspirație. Se spune că a fost inspirat de:

  • Lucrarea lui Ralph Merkle asupra copacilor Merkle
  • Lucrările lui Haber și Stornetta privind serviciile de marcare temporală criptografică
  • Hashcash de Adam Back
  • b-money by Wei Dai (this reference was added to a later version of the white paper, with the encouragement of Adam Back)

Aceste informații arată că Satoshi a fost o persoană care a păstrat mereu legătura cu predecesorii săi, acolo unde și-a construit opera. Proiectul este un remix de idei diferite din lucrări de criptografie într-un mod nemaivăzut.

El a fost motivat în principal de aplicarea mecanismului de verificare a muncii pentru a dezvolta un nou protocol de consens care să apară și în proiectele viitoare. Acum, acel consens este cunoscut sub numele de Consens Nakamoto.

What Did Nakamoto Say About the Bitcoin Project?

Throughout his time at the wheel of the management of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto addressed different issues and acted as the network’s first ambassador. His brilliance shined in his exploits, and the source code did all the talking for him. As he always claimed, he was better at communicating through his code rather than words.

During the period of Bitcoin’s value proposition, he wrote:

” It’s very attractive to the libertarian viewpoint if we can explain it properly. I’m better with code than with words, though.”

At least, Satoshi’s motivation to develop the Bitcoin project was partially ideological. When he was announcing the project’s white paper, he said:

“The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve. We have to trust them with our privacy, trust them not to let identity thieves drain our accounts. Their massive overhead costs make micropayments impossible.”

Mai târziu, el a adăugat:

“Yes, [we will not find a solution to political problems in cryptography,] but we can win a major battle in the arms race and gain a new territory of freedom for several years. Governments are good at cutting off the heads of a centrally controlled networks like Napster, but pure P2P networks like Gnutella and Tor seem to be holding their own.”

Satoshi acknowledged his project as a descendant of the P2P file-sharing protocols. Additionally, he seemed reserved at taking credit for creating a financial tool that could change the world forever. Either he wanted to stay out of the limelight or found more grace in crediting others.

In the original explanation about Bitcoin on Wikipedia, Satoshi wrote:

„Bitcoin implementează propunerea b-money a lui Wei Dai pentru Cypherpunks în 2008 și propunerea BitGold a lui Nick Szabo.”

Mai târziu, în 2010, el a înfruntat WikiLeaks pentru că a acceptat donații Bitcoin. Deși mișcarea părea că va integra Bitcoin, Satoshi a sfătuit-o, deoarece proiectul era prea tânăr pentru a face față criticilor dure. El a spus:

„Proiectul trebuie să crească treptat, astfel încât software-ul să poată fi consolidat pe parcurs. Fac acest apel către Wikileaks să nu încerce să folosească bitcoin. Bitcoin este o mică comunitate beta aflată la început. Nu ai suporta să primești mai mult decât bani de buzunar, iar căldura pe care ai aduce-o probabil ne-ar distruge în această etapă.”

Angajamentul său cu WikiLeaks a arătat ceea ce îi explică alți dezvoltatori: un individ paranoic, dar calculator. Un forum a sugerat că Bitcoin avea o potențială sinergie cu proiectul eCash-esque, care era încă un start-up la acea vreme. I-a atras atenția lui Satoshi, iar el a răspuns:

“They’re talking about the old Chaumian central mint stuff, but maybe only because that was the only thing available. Maybe they would be interested in going in a new direction. Many people automatically dismiss e-currency as a lost cause because of all the failed companies since the 1990s. I hope it’s obvious that only the centrally controlled nature of those systems doomed them. This is the first time we’re trying a decentralized, non-trust-based system.”

Satoshi’s Disappearance

Despite being polite, calm, and pragmatic, Satoshi maintained his secret identity through the launch and steering of Bitcoin to popularity. He did not even have any close relationship with all of the developers that worked with him. He continually avoided private conversations and limited his interactions to Bitcoin, a move that would be hard for any individual to sustain.

Maybe the pressure of living a double life weighed down on him, and he decided to leave behind his identity as Satoshi Nakamoto. It’s possible that he could also become a target due to challenging the world order of finance. Or he even found out that the steering of Bitcoin by one leader would go against what it campaigned for (decentralization). 

With his reasons, he announced that he would be stepping out of the limelight and leaving the network at the hands of developer Gavin Andresen and everyone. He only explained that he had other things in his mind away from Bitcoin.

Ever since his departure, people became alert and started following clues about who he was. Some people were suspected to be Satoshi, while others publicly claimed to be him.

Did Satoshi live in Los Angeles?

In January 2009, as Satoshi and Hal Finney worked on the Bitcoin Alpha version, Hal encountered a major bug and posted the analysis on the mailing list. The log showed that only three people were using the network at the time, including Satoshi. However, it could have been other people as the network had already gone public.

Satoshi i-a răspuns lui Hal Finney, dar adresa lui IP a fost expusă public. Acesta reflecta faptul că dispozitivul folosit pentru a răspunde lui Hal era situat în jurul Los Angeles. Datele exacte derivate din adresa IP au fost:

Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA, was where the IP was.

> IP Address:

> Bloc IP: –

> Reverse DNS:

> Host: Covad Communications. Van Nuys, CA, USA

> Location: Van Nuys, CA, USA

While it is evident that an IP address does not always show exactly where the device is located, it became clear that Satoshi lived in America, which could have been why he chose to stay masked. Other innovators of projects like the e-gold and Liberty Reserve had been indicted by the US government already, a fate he could be avoiding. 

Who Is Most Likely the Real Satoshi Nakamoto?

Ever since Satoshi Nakamoto stepped out of the limelight, many have wondered who the real face behind Bitcoin was. Below are some of the most probable candidates for Satoshi’s seat as the inventor of Bitcoin.

Nick Szabo

Nick Szabo is one of the earliest names to float around in connection with digital currencies. He is an American computer scientist and cryptographer believed to be the anonymous creator of Bitcoin. One of the major arguments supporting his connection to bitcoin is Bitgold. 

Bitgold is a pre-Bitcoin digital currency project that has striking similarities to Bitcoin. In 2013, Skye Grey, an internet researcher, used a reverse textual analysis algorithm to seek proof that Szabo wrote the BTC whitepaper. He found many common phrases and expressions of ideas between Szabo’s work and the BTC paper. However, Szabo strongly denied the allegations.

Elon Musk also believes that Nick Szabo is most likely the best candidate to ‘suspect’ of coming up with the Bitcoin project. Talking about Bitcoin’s origins, he explained: 

 “Obviously I don’t know who created bitcoin … it seems as though Nick Szabo is probably more than anyone else responsible for the evolution of those ideas,” said Musk, adding, “he claims not to be Nakamoto … but he seems to be the one more responsible for the ideas behind it than anyone else.”

Hal Finney

Fiind printre prima echipă de dezvoltatori care a lucrat pe Bitcoin, oamenii cred că ar putea fi Satoshi Nakamoto sau au informații cheie despre el. El a fost un renumit criptograf și informatician cu experiență în criptarea PGP, care ar fi abilitățile necesare pentru a dezvolta o astfel de invenție.

Cu toate acestea, el nu a pretins niciodată că este Satoshi Nakamoto. El a explicat chiar că, în timp ce avea de-a face cu adevăratul Satoshi, a simțit că „a avut de-a face cu un tânăr de ascendență japoneză care era foarte inteligent și sincer”.

Din păcate, a fost diagnosticat cu SLA în august 2009 și a murit pe 28 august 2014.

Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto

Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto was first identified as Satoshi Nakamoto by a Newsweek journalist who claimed that his modest lifestyle came from being a brilliant developer. Dorian used to live in the Los Angeles San Gabriel foothills. Goodman interviewed Dorian, who gave a rather suspicious answer at first. Dorian said:

„Nu mai sunt implicat în asta și nu pot discuta. A fost predat altor persoane. Ei sunt responsabil de asta acum. Nu mai am nicio legătură.”

This statement stirred the internet with media houses making trips to his LA home, an occurrence that even led to a car chase in Dorian’s neighborhood. However, he declined to be involved with BTC in a later interview. He said that he misunderstood the question from Goodman and thought it was related to his previous work with the military.

Craig Wright

Craig Wright is an Australian computer scientist and developer who leads a modest lifestyle in the United States of America. Wright has been involved in court cases connected to the development of BTC and won the right to hold 1.1M BTC that was pre-mined when the network was going live.

Craig chiar a venit în presă pentru a spune că va da dovada că este Satoshi Nakamoto. Cu toate acestea, el s-a răzgândit câteva zile mai târziu și a spus că nu va oferi dovezi pentru a-și demasca identitatea ca Satoshi. Drept urmare, oamenii au început să-i pună la îndoială meritul și l-au catalogat drept imitator.

He recently said he would dump his BTC as the project ended up exactly how he did not want. However, he stated that he fears crashing the market as his stash is worth billions.

Cuvântul final

Although many want to know who is the face behind Bitcoin, it is still not clear if an actual reveal would even have any significant impact on the market. Since Satoshi left the limelight, the Bitcoin network has been led by developers who are determined to make it self-sustaining. It has already achieved stability, and it could be hard for a true Nakamoto to fit in.

Nivelul de descentralizare în rețeaua Bitcoin este la apogeu și nu necesită o putere centrală care să o supravegheze. Puterea lui Satoshi, deoarece rețeaua îi aparține, ar putea să o copleșească, așa că ar trebui să-și mențină identitatea ascunsă. Nakamoto are performanțe exemplare în standul său pentru a permite rețelei să își atingă funcționalitatea inițială de a fi „fără încredere”.

If he were to surface today, the attention of developers and investors could turn to his persona rather than the network that the community has been building for years. It should also be noted that people would take him too seriously, and almost each of his suggestions and announcements would pass without a real consensus.

The network has also gained billions in worth which could tempt any man to exploit it for their gain, given that they invented it. That would blur the line between his financial advice and personal opinions. As a result, Nakamoto would be in the wrong with every Bitcoin enthusiast as his further involvement would be a conflict of interest.

Though the Bitcoin community has faced tough decision-making times leading to major disputes like the hardfork that gave rise to Bitcoin Cash, it has more than survived. It is flourishing, and the future seems brighter for it. Many are bullish on it, and its adoption rates are at record highs. Perhaps the network is already at the level that Nakamoto envisioned, so he is not bothering to reveal himself.
