Mii de proprietari de criptomonede obțin câștiguri uriașe cu acest truc

Au fost câteva luni deosebit de volatile pentru piața cripto, dar chiar dacă prețurile rămân scăzute, există încă o varietate de modalități de a genera un profit masiv din cripto-ul dvs., cu un risc minim.

One of the safest ways to potentially more than double your crypto, even in a bull market, is with an interest-generating portofel. To understand the practicalities, we’ll be using the ArbiSmart (RBIS) wallet and financial services hub as our examples.

Generate revenue in any market

Primul pas pentru a profita de pe urma cripto-ului într-o criză este să luați măsuri pentru a vă asigura că, în timp ce așteptați ca piața să revină, banii dvs. sunt încă la lucru.

De exemplu, ecosistemul ArbiSmart oferă o varietate de servicii rezistente la urși, cum ar fi acesta cripto-arbitraj automat sistem, care generează profituri pasive ale până la 45% pe an, și noul său  Autorizat UE portofel generator de dobânzi, lansat la începutul lunii iulie, care oferă rate de lider în industrie de până la 147% APY

Both these services are highly attractive to investors, not only because of the sizable passive profits that require nothing more than registration and deposit, but also because they generate consistent returns, indiferent de direcția în care se mișcă piața.

Criptoarbitrajul câștigă bani din disparitățile temporare de preț între burse, care apar cu aceeași regularitate pe o piață urs sau urs, oferind o bună acoperire împotriva scăderii prețurilor cripto.

Equally, the ArbiSmart wallet securely stores your BTC or EUR while paying out the daily interest on your savings at exactly the same rate, whether crypto prices are soaring or sinking. 

Iată cum funcționează:

The wallet supports a choice of 25 different FIAT and cryptocurrencies, from EUR, USD, and GBP, to BTC, ETH, MANA, APE, SHIB, Și multe altele.

Wallet holders can choose to keep funds interest-free but always accessible or lock funds in a savings plan for short periods like 1 month and 3 months, or for longer periods, like 2, 3, or 5 years for much higher interest.

How interest is received can also be tailored. Users can choose to send the daily profit to a separate, available account for withdrawal at any time, or add it to the locked funds and get a better rate.

Maximize your wallet profits

Indiferent de portofelul pe care îl alegeți, asigurați-vă că verificați dacă există modalități de a vă crește APY fără a adăuga o sumă semnificativă la capitalul dvs. de economii.

One of the best ways to optimize profits with an ArbiSmart wallet is to take advantage of the various incentives for ownership of the native token, RBIS.

Firstly, the amount of interest you earn is based on your account level, which is determined by the amount of RBIS you own. In other words, the more RBIS you hold, the higher the interest rate you will receive on your ETH, COMP, USD, or GBP savings balance.

At the highest account levels, you also benefit from compounding.

De asemenea, este important să rețineți că soldurile RBIS câștigă profituri de trei ori mai mari than balances in any other FIAT or digital currency.

If you don’t wish to convert established coins like Bitcoin, Ether, and Euro into RBIS but still want to boost the interest rate on your savings balance, you can choose to just receive your daily interest in RBIS.

As the recently introduced wallet continues to gain momentum, growing its user base, more RBIS will get locked in savings balances.

Since the amount of RBIS that can ever be created is permanently capped at 450M, as the supply shrinks, and demand grows, the RBIS price is on track to rise. 

In fact, analysts are projecting RBIS is set to soar in value over the coming months.

The way the token economy is structured, by buying RBIS you will be receiving unrivaled interest rates on your savings capital in EUR and BTC, while also potentially benefiting from capital gains on the rising value of the RBIS you’ve purchased.

Demand for the token is likely to be driven higher in the months ahead with the addition of multiple new utilities to the ArbiSmart ecosystem in late Q3 and Q4 2022, all of which will require the use of RBIS.

These will not only potentially push up the price and generate substantial capital gains, but they will also each present fresh revenue streams from yield farming and trading to online gaming and NFT investment. 

Explore opportunities across the ecosystem

O altă modalitate excelentă de a vă crește profiturile este să vedeți ce alte oportunități de venituri oferă ecosistemul.

This quarter, ArbiSmart will be introducing a mobile application for buying, selling, storing, and exchanging crypto, as well as an innovative spin on decentralized yield farming.

The upcoming yield farming program will have a range of unique gamification functions and will reward liquidity providers with 0.3% din taxele pentru fiecare tranzacție, plus până la 190,000% APY.

These services will be followed up by the launch of an Piața NFT where anyone can buy or sell nefungibil tokens, as well as the release of a one-of-a-kind collection of thousands of digital artworks.

In Q4, a cryptocurrency exchange will be launched, as well as a joacă pentru a câștiga, gaming metaverse, where visitors can earn real money for purchasing, developing, and selling virtual plots of land. 

All these RBIS utilities are interconnected, and users receive better terms when using additional ArbiSmart ecosystem services.

For example, you can maximize profits by using a marketplace NFT to improve your yield farming score and earn a better APY.

The reasons for analyst optimism about the future of ArbiSmart (RBIS) are clear, as the project is offering the right type of financial product at the right time.

The EU-authorized and registered ecosystem generates secure, steady profits via multiple sources simultaneously, and users continue to see consistent growth in both bull and bear markets.

Dacă doriți să vă puneți cripto sau FIAT să lucreze în numele dvs. și să obțineți profituri pasive considerabile cu un risc excepțional de scăzut, indiferent de direcția în care se mișcă piața, deschide un portofel azi.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/thousands-of-crypto-owners-making-huge-gains/