SAVAGE semnează Paul Nicklen într-o afacere care arată că cripto poate fi ecologic

January 19, 2022 – Los Angeles, California

The photography and video NFT marketplace SAVAGE has signed legendary photographer and videographer Paul Nicklen as a contributor and advisor to the project.

Paul is a Canadian photographer, filmmaker and marine biologist who has documented the beauty of the earth for over twenty years and lives a life of art, purpose and adventure while being an advocate for conservation efforts.

După ce a lucrat ca fotograf de misiune pentru revista National Geographic și Sony Artisan of Imagery, Paul a captat imaginația unui public global cu munca sa de creație și este unul dintre cei mai recunoscuți specialiști polari și conservatori din lume.

În ciuda faptului că are petaocteți de înregistrări video de 8K, Nicklen a stat până acum departe de spațiul NFT.

De ce? 

Impactul negativ asupra mediului al NFT a fost incompatibil cu valorile și eforturile sale de a conserva natura, în special în regiunile polare ale planetei.

According to Memo Atken’s research, the carbon footprint of an average single-edition NFT is equivalent to driving a gasoline-fueled car for 621 miles.

Additionally, one artist that was researched minted an NFT collection that over the span of six months had a carbon footprint of 260-megawatt hours. That is equivalent to powering the average home in the European Union for 77 years.

And so, the NFT photo and video platform SAVAGE has entered the space in partnership with Polygon Studios, the Crypto Climate Accord and EnergyWeb, to create a decentralized app that leaves no carbon footprint.

Leveraging the power of Polygon’s proof-of-stake consensus blockchain, with the support and guidance of Crypto Climate Accord and EnergyWeb to manage carbon offsets, the team at SAVAGE have created the world’s first carbon-neutral NFT marketplace for 8K video and the highest resolution photography from the best content creators in the world.

Despre SAVAGE 

SAVAGE is the first carbon-neutral NFT marketplace designed specifically for video and photography. The SAVAGE platform will play host to some of the best filmmakers and photographers in the industry while being a place for up-and-coming creatives to catch their first break.

From National Geographic to Amazon, the team has worked with the largest global brands to help bring their visions to life. By building solutions on Polygon’s proof-of-stake protocol, the team will provide an environmentally-friendly marketplace for creators of every skill level.

For more information about Paul Nicklen and Sea Legacy, check out his announcement on Instagram here.
To follow the development of the SAVAGE NFT marketplace, you can speak with the team directly on Discord, Telegram, Instagram or Twitter.


Jesse Roos

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