New York Luxury Gym Equinox va accepta plăți criptografice cu BitPay

Equinox health club has partnered with BitPay to start accepting payments in cryptocurrencies, according to local media reports. The luxury health club has reportedly become the first gym in New York City to offer its members an option to pay with cryptocurrencies.

Equinox is known for its luxury gyms and clubs worldwide. Currently, there are 40 health clubs across New York City. The company is expected to announce its acceptance of crypto payments on Monday.

Equinox Starts Accepting Crypto Payments

New York City-based Equinox luxury health club is set to start accepting crypto payments in partnership with crypto payment service provider BitPay, reported the New York Post pe mai 2.

The membership fee at Equinox starts from $250 per month. Now, members will be able to pay their membership fees with cryptocurrencies. However, Equinox customers have to wait until the luxury health club announces membership plans and services available to purchase with crypto.

Moreover, the luxury health club has reported a 122% jump in sales in the first quarter as compared to Q1 2019- reflecting a strong bounceback from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Equinox has promised high standards of health, safety, and cleanliness in its clubs. Moreover, the luxury health club has seamlessly integrated and always-on physical and digital programming.

Crypto adoption in New York City continues to rise as big investors pour money into crypto, including Bitcoin. New York City Mayor Eric Adams supports the crypto market and urges regulators to understand the benefits of crypto.

Crypto Market Status in New York

While the crypto market is booming in New York, regulators have a stringent stance on cryptocurrencies. Currently, the Adunarea de Stat din New York is considering a ban on bitcoin mining for two years due to its environmental impact. However, despite the ban on bitcoin mining, crypto market adoption is growing across New York.

New York City is at the forefront of crypto adoption as clients of major financial services firms such as JPMorgan, BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, others want to invest in cryptocurrencies.

Varinder este scriitor și editor tehnic, pasionat de tehnologie și gânditor analitic. Fascinat de Tehnologiile Disruptive, el și-a împărtășit cunoștințele despre Blockchain, Criptomonede, Inteligență Artificială și Internetul Lucrurilor. El a fost asociat cu industria blockchain și criptomonede pentru o perioadă substanțială și în prezent acoperă toate cele mai recente actualizări și evoluții din industria criptomonedelor.

Conținutul prezentat poate include opinia personală a autorului și este supus condițiilor pieței. Faceți cercetările de piață înainte de a investi în criptomonede. Autorul sau publicația nu își asumă nicio responsabilitate pentru pierderea dvs. financiară personală.
