Lista proiectelor cripto care ar putea crește vertiginos la lansarea Shibarium

Shiba Inu, the second most popular meme coin has been the talk of the town. Starting from a joke to a store of value, to now developing Shibarium, a Layer 2 blockchain technology, SHIB has come a long way. The lead developer of Shiba Inu, Shytoshi Kusama recently confirmed that a few projects are all set to utilize and develop on shibarium.

Shiba Inu: 4 Projects to Run on Shibarium

Shytoshi recently held a Q&A session on Discord and confirmed that four cryptocurrency projects could run on Shiba Inu’s Shibarium network. While talking about these projects, Shytoshi said, “I’m so excited to see projects like Falcon 9 (F9), UFO Gaming (UFO), MoonBet (MBET), Voxel X (VXL), and other tokens utilize Shibarium and our other platforms. That’s the point right?!”

Citeste mai mult: Când se lansează Shibarium? Shiba Inu Lead Dev Drops Hints

Șoim 9

Falcon 9 is a launchpad project built on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides a platform for developers who want to promote and launch new cryptocurrency projects and their native tokens. The F9 token, F9 DAO, and the F9 launchpad are three supporting pillars for the F9 launch site.


UFO Gaming (UFO) is an interstellar-themed Web3 gaming studio that bridges traditional games onto the blockchain network and allows you to use cryptocurrency to buy, sell, or trade in-game items. The platform uses contracte inteligente to facilitate transactions between gamers.


MetaBet is a web3-based cryptocurrency betting platform rapidly expanding into the Metaverse. This play-2-earn platform includes online games similar to poker, casinos, and more, also NFT avatars for trading. It intends to bring life to a professional, trustworthy, and user-friendly virtual platform.

Rețeaua Voxel X

Voxel X Network is a gaming incubator that provides DeFi, Metaverse, and a proprietary blockchain. According to the VXL team, “Voxel X is positioned to become the leading provider of community-run technological platforms for thousands of projects in the emerging NFT, GameFi & Metaverse space.

Citeste si: Top 5 motive pentru a investi astăzi în Shiba Inu

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