LBank reunește comunitatea Crypto turcă pentru o întâlnire de vară

The crypto community in Turkey were once again invited to an exquisite 4-day summer meet-up by cea mai importantă platformă de tranzacționare din lume, LBank. The event was held at İzmir, Foça and was an amazing blend of crypto education, music, drinks, and food.

Hundreds of students from various universities, LBank’s partners and influencers were in attendance to enjoy the crypto-themed summer camp while many had the opportunity to interact with other blockchain experts, developers and crypto believers.

With an array of super dope attendees, an astounding venue and the sun shining bright, Day 1 of the event started with an assembly of the blockchain community from different universities, payment gateways, blockchain Influencers and other community members.

Furthermore, Allen Wei, the CEO of L Bank, expressed his excitement about the event. He noted that “it is important that the community meet and interact with each other often within a relaxed environment as we work towards building a stronger and better ecosystem.”

A doua zi a fost plină de distracție cu o infuzie de învățare, în timp ce vorbitorii cheie au vorbit despre „Being a Trader in the Bear Season”. În consecință, a avut loc un workshop de comerț și după training, comunitățile și-au împărtășit experiențele cripto cu vorbitorii.

Totul și toată lumea a fost luminată la această întâlnire. A existat o mulțime de entuziasm în jurul criptomonedei în general, oamenii discutând despre metavers, active digitale și așa mai departe.

The third day of the event started with an insightful lecture by a veteran NFT designer on “NFTs and Blockchain Literacy.” After the training, people enjoyed the sea during a volleyball tournament that took place during the day and prizes were awarded to the winners. 

Redbull also added colour to the summer camp as participants sipped energy drinks to cool off.

The grand finale of the summer camp was delightful, according to attendees. LBank went over and above to ensure everyone had a great time with activities which included; a yoga session, a workshop on “Blockchain Entrepreneurship,” a learning symposium, colour fest and an epic closing afterparty.

În general, a fost o oportunitate bună de relaționare pentru toată lumea, cu o petrecere de închidere pe care să o sigilăm în fiecare zi. Acest eveniment a fost important pentru comunitate, deoarece a fost un eveniment unic care a reunit un număr mare de credincioși cripto din diferite sectoare.

Despre LBank Exchange

LBank Exchange, founded in 2015, is an innovative global trading platform for various crypto assets. LBank Exchange provides its users safe crypto trading, specialised financial derivatives, and professional asset management services. It has become one of the most popular and trusted crypto trading platforms with over 7 million users from more than 210 regions around the world.

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