Poliția din Japonia: „„Lazăr” din Coreea de Nord în spatele anilor de hack-uri criptografice”, lansarea rețelei Oryen cu un sistem de mizare imposibil de atacat

Hackers Tracked to North Korea

In reports produced by the Japanese government, a significant amount of phishing hacks have been traced back to a group known as ‘Lazarus,’ located in North Korea.

A joint public advisory statement sent out by Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) and the National Police Agency (NPA) warns various crypto businesses to keep vigilant of these potential attacks. The attack works by attempting to impersonate people in key positions or partners to gain assets by baiting employees.

Declarația a spus:

„Acest grup de atac cibernetic trimite e-mailuri de tip phishing angajaților care se usurează pe directorii companiei țintă […] prin site-uri de rețele sociale cu conturi false, pretinzând că efectuează tranzacții comerciale […] Grupul de atac cibernetic [apoi] folosește malware-ul ca punct de sprijin pentru a să obțină acces la rețeaua victimei.”

The NPA confirmed several hacks had already taken place against Japanese crypto fund management firms but did not give details as to which.

The group is believed to be an arm of the North Korean Reconnaissance General Bureau, a government-run organization for the gathering of foreign intelligence, which has also been accused of being the perpetrators of the $600 million Ronin Bridge hack earlier this year.

Oryen Network Staking Without Staking

One of the best ways to defend your assets is to keep them out of third-party protocols in the first place. Introducing Rețeaua Oryen: a valuable way to generate passive income without trusting your tokens to exchanges liable to hacks.

Oryen features the OAT (Oryen Autostaking Technic) mechanic, which takes care of staking for you. Users can buy native token ORY and simply need to hold it in their wallet to receive gains, sidestepping the need to rely on additional networks. Rebase rewards are paid hourly, at a daily rate of 0.177% (90% compounded APY). These profits are guaranteed, keeping your assets safe and reliably sending back returns during this tough bear market.

The APY is supported by the protocol’s signature Risk-Free Value (RFV) wallet, which will generate value over time and be deployed to support the price during periods of volatility. Currently in the first round of presale, now would be the best price to buy into the project before launch later this year.

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/19/japans-police-north-koreas-lazarus-behind-years-of-crypto-hacks-oryen-network-launching-with-unhackable-staking-system/