Cum sunt Crypto Industries diverse, angajând foști angajați de pe Wall Street?

În ultimele timpuri, cripto space has seen a boost in talent staff from the traditional finance sector and gender diversity 

Întregul concept al cripto industry aspires to become as extensive as traditional finance and financial institutions worldwide. Although on technical aspects, cripto spațiul este oarecum diferit, dar urmează căile economice de mult urmate. 

Since the economy and finances have been considered something to be controlled and dominated by males, gender diversity has become a noticeable issue in the industry. But it seems like the cripto industry is taking notes from all this, accepting the staff talents from traditional financial institutions, and avoiding its mistakes, such as not creating diversity in staff. 

Recently Robert Zagotta, CEO of Bitstamp USA, said that the employees from traditional finance express their interest in new roles. He speaks on a positive note this would bring the opportunity to get diversity into their talent pool at a higher level. 

De mult timp de la apariția sa, cripto industria a fost dominată de bărbați. Un astfel de exemplu al acestui scepticism poate fi înțeles luând în considerare postarea pe Twitter a lui Bain Capital Ventures pentru angajare. Acesta a afirmat că echipa fondatoare a viitorului fond criptografic ar fi formată doar din bărbați. Problema a primit atât de mult reacții, încât Executivul firmei, însuși Stefan Cohen, a trebuit să-și ceară scuze și a trebuit să promită că va angaja femei și grupuri din alte rase. 

Industriile financiare tradiționale, inclusiv băncile, s-au luptat, de asemenea, cu probleme de diversitate. Pentru o perioadă foarte lungă de timp, structurile de conducere ale băncii americane au rămas dominate de bărbați și acum se confruntă cu presiuni în timp ce încearcă să promoveze mai multe femei în poziții de conducere. Luați exemplul lui Jane Fraser, singura femeie care a condus vreodată una dintre băncile centrale din SUA, Citibank Inc. 

Apart from this, the traditional finance sector has seen a brain drain as many senior banking employees changed their industries and joined cripto companies. Not only have they entered, but some of them have got senior positions in the cripto industrie. 

For instance, Mel Tsiaprazis, currently CCO at Bitstamp, was working at Lloyds Banking Group. CEO Zagotta himself was earlier at CME Group Inc before joining Bitstamp. 

Sabrina Wilson, former co head of futures, clearing, and foreign exchange at Citigroup, is currently working as the chief operating officer at cripto gateway service provider Copper. Coinbase Global Inc. Alesia Haas worked for Och-Ziff Capital Management earlier. Also formerly working at JPMorgan Chase and Co. Blythe Masters joined Digital Asset and became CEO in 2015. 

Crypto space avoids the mistakes traditional institutions made to become more relevant and appeal to open society, and keeping it moving with experienced senior executives makes it a golden opportunity. 

Nancy J. Allen
Ultimele postări de Nancy J. Allen (vezi toate)
